Chapter 1:From Ashes To A New Beginning

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-"I'm going to miss you so much, my precious baby." You stood in the hallway and watched your mother bail her eyes out for what felt like the seventh time today. The woman in front of you, your very font of care love and value; watching her crying over you like a bird leaving its nest to test her wings for the first time made you tear up as well.
You walked over to the ashy blonde haired woman and hugged her tightly.
-"Mom I promise I'll call you whenever I have the chance. I'll also visit a lot! You'll have plenty of occasions to scold me and rant about me." You said with a warm smile and heard your mom laugh alongside small sobs to your humor.
-"Oh (Y/n)... Humorous just like your dad." She sighed softly and finally let you go as you noticed she seemed to be looking for something in the large pocket of her light beige cardigan.
Soon enough, she pulled out a small white envelope and put it delicately into your hands.
-"What's that, mom?" You asked and your mom only smiled at your natural curiosity. If she knew one thing for sure about you- it was that you never left any piece of information out of the picture.
-"A gift from your dad. He said he wanted to give it to you on your twentieth birthday. Open it when you get there. I also dropped a little something." Your mother said as your sparkling (e/c) pools almost lit up from the sheer glee of a surprise. The woman only giggled under her breath. She swore the event of unpacking the gift excited you more than the gift itself.
-"Thank you so much mom!" You thanked your mother and glomped her into an array of more affectionate hugs.
The two of you enjoyed the last cup of coffee in the living room together, talking about your goals, your personal mother bear asking if you will manage on your own and you defending yourself that if you don't try, you won't find out.
The fun and happy moments flew by quicker than you would want them to. With a more sorrowful smile you got up from the soft cushiony seat of your father's old resting seat and your mother got the message that it is time to say goodbye.
-"I know you'll be alright darling, you're a sharp and witty girl." The woman said in reassurance, picking up the last box of your clothes. You got your deep brown suitcase and made your way to your old rusty red baby car. Even though she wasn't the perfect ride, she was like your very own child.
-"Full tank? Snacks?" You couldn't stifle laughter as you put in the luggage in the backseat and only casted your glance to your parent with a mischievous spark in your eyes.
-"Mom I'm not going to war..."
-"Call me whenever you can... Or if something happens!" You saw the woman place the last piece of your equipment in the trunk and shut the door, hastily running over to you.
-"I know, I know you're low on time and I don't want to keep you waiting but I just want to be sure you're alright." She announced like a deer caught in the headlight as her pale soft hand graced your rosy cheek in a motherly manner. You smiled delicately and gave your parent the biggest most loving bear hug you could possibly muster.
-"I love you mom, I'll be fine. I'm like a cat- always land on my feet, remember?" You giggled and shaped your hands into paw imitations making your mother sigh softly and smile.
-"I love you too (Y/n)." She said and you got into the driver's seat, searching around your purse for the keys. Finally finding them, you revved up the old beaten down engine. A few rustly noises and the car was up and kicking.
-"But remember, curiosity killed the cat!" You only rolled your eyes and pulled your car window down to see your mom for the last time.
-"Satisfaction brought this one back!" You blew her a kiss and made your way out of the garage.
And into a new beginning.

The radio kept you company through the relaxing drive and you couldn't stop yourself from looking at the flora abound you. The very sight of old trees and serenity of the wildlife seemed to calm your mind.
Taking in a wiff of the fresh late spring air you let a smile rest on your face. You had a great feeling about the plans you made. You hoped that the feeling of resolve and inspiration wouldn't leave you anytime soon.
Of course, you had to prepare yourself to weather any challenge life  decided to throw at you, yet that didn't sound so bad.
Seeing the sign to your destination you grinned wildly, snapping out of your lulling daydream.
Your eyes darted to the fuel state and your mouth was left in a small 'o' shape. You were still about ten kilometers away from your new house.
-"Oh fuck, fuel." You muttered and your eagle sight in an instant went on a lookout to a nearby gas station.
All the luck in the world seemed to be on your side today as your vision scouted out the place you were hunting for. With a small cheer of victory you changed your route to drive towards the shiny lights.
Parking your car safely, your greedy belly seemed to have a special craving for sweets the moment you stepped out of the vehicle. With a slight groan, you reached for your purse and walked to the shop in order to sate your strange chocolate cravings.
As usual, it didn't end on chocolate. A bunch of random snacks were included in your hands and that one can of coca cola.
It was that time that you just absolutely needed this to celebrate your new life.
Standing in the line of the small shop you couldn't help but to listen to a conversation between two men. From the small peek you took, they seemed to be in their thirties. Probably locals too.
-"Did you hear it? Third killing. Same shit, same person, different day." Killings?
-"They still haven't caught him? The fuck those good for nothing cops doing all day?" You gulped upon hearing those words. A killer at large in the city you were supposed to move into? Oh just fantastic. Maybe they'd get him soon enough. Yeah, they should. And beat him up for killing innocents. Just for a little karma.
-"Um, miss?" The cashier spoke up as your mind once again fell into the dark depths of thoughts and imagination.
-"Oh I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Lost in thought." You apologized and set down your store loots. The young man with onyx hair just smiled and laughed softly.
-"It's alright. Do you need a bag?"
-"Oh no, I'll manage, thanks. Also, gas." You spoke up and pulled out a bill to pay for your shopping. With a thank you and a goodbye, you made your way to the doors. Upon opening them you realized the bag could've been a life saver as your items started to fall out of your hands, one by one.
Upon picking up one of the snacks, another would fall. You sighed at your own clumsiness and kneeled down to collect your precious sweets.
-"Need a hand?" You froze for a moment. Your eyes slowly traced upwards to a young man standing right in front of you. Hell, he wasn't just a man. He was an extremely attractive man. A tall and lean posture, a charming smile on lightly tanned skin, long and shiny clean dark hair and those alluring green eyes. You broke out of your little staring charade and nodded your head.
-"Yes if you don't mind, that'd be great." You smiled sheepishly and the man joined in the loot collecting.
Taking your new snacks to the car, the stranger's deep jade pools seemed to be investigating your entire form from head to toe.
-"First time I see you around here."
-"Actually I'm moving in like today." You responded and noticed the brunette was wearing attire for a motorcycle.
-"So bikes are your thing, huh?" You joked and the stranger looked at you mischievously. Something about him told you he's one of those cocky proud and confident people. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing to you.
-"Yeah motorcycles are really my thing. I'm Jed, by the way." The brunette introduced himself and you spun around to give him a polite handshake.
-"I'm (Y/n). Pleasure to meet ya." You responded in a gleeful manner. You were quite interested in motorcycles yourself, but you couldn't really pull the courage to ever ride one. Cars seemed to be the safer approach. Your soft, eyes wandered over to the only motorcycle parked in the gas station. A dark grey with elegant reds and white. Looked brand new, too.
-"I see you're curious. We should go for a ride sometime." Jed laughed, seeing the amazement painted all over you.
-"I'd totally be up for that." You said and the man waved up his hand.
-"I'll see you around then, (Y/n)." He announced and walked away. You waved to the new friend you made and was about to ask for any form of contact, but a white note tucked into your windshield caused you to stop in your tracks.
Picking up the piece of white paper, you smiled to yourself.
-"Jed, you sneaky bastard." You whispered to yourself, seeing the man's phone number and full name.
You got into your car and hummed softly in happiness. A few hours into driving, a few minutes into the town and you made a friend. This day has been nothing but great!
You started your car with no struggle and tapped on the steering wheel as in to compliment the old baby.
-"Even you are behaving today." You sang out and continued onto the streets to your final destination.
No more than twenty minutes passed as your car finally made a stop under the address you were given.
Upon seeing the beautiful, clean and quite modest neighborhood you couldn't help yourself from squealing excitedly. The scenery was amazing in your eyes, even when you were used to your family house being quite secluded from neighbors. Dad wasn't a big fan of nosy people.
You turned your head towards the time on your radio, noticing it was only four pm. You had to admit, your timing was great. You still had a lot of time to unpack and maybe allow yourself to relax a bit.
With that plan in your mind, you turned the key in your engine and walked over to the snow white porch, seeing the elegant black mailbox, in which you found the keys to your new house. You felt the hyper excitement build up in the very depths of your soul as you made your way to the mahogany front doors, turning the silver key into the lock. The moment the doors opened, you ran into the depths of your new heaven like an excited child running to get the Christmas gift they've been dying for.
The interior of your new place didn't fail to take your breath away as you looked in wonder over the gorgeous array of brand new dark oak furniture and sleek paper sheet white walls. The gray tinted wooden floorboards tapped lightly under your footsteps as you ventured through the hallway to the living room. A big gray sofa with an array of light cream pillows rested in the center, a milky glass coffee table laid in front of it and a smaller TV was set up on the wall across from the two pieces of furniture. Perhaps it wasn't much but then again; you really weren't a fan of rooms crowded with junk. Besides, if you wanted to have some more accessories you wouldn't hesitate to buy some. You slowly walked over to the big black lamp resting right next to the sofa's armchair. This could come in handy for when you decided to have some peace of a good book after work.
After admiring the living room, you checked out the cute and modest kitchen isle. It wasn't much, several spacy dark cupboards, black sparkling tiles, a dining table for two people and all the kitchen necessities you needed. With a small nod you went over to the most sacred and important part of the house. The bedroom. Your shiny (e/c) were left astonished as you opened the light tinted doors to the bedroom. Before your eyes was a queen sized wooden bed. From the looks of it you could just lay down and melt into the soft cushiony surface. There were two nightstands, a small white lamp with a ruffled cap, a big spacy closet alongside a large mirror and a desk you could use for makeup and beauty equipment.
With the last sigh of sheer wonder you flopped down on the bed, letting yourself get over the amazement and happiness. The house, the journey, the day in general was picture perfect.
You closed your eyes for several minutes to recapture some energy and with that done, you got up from your bed to come back to earth and finish the last task for today. Unpacking.
You ventured out of the safety of your heaven to tend to the mundane task of dragging your clothes and necessary items to your new place.
-"Oh I've been daydreaming for a long time..." You mumbled to yourself as your eyes landed on the gorgeous scenery of the sun finally kissing the day a goodbye. With your mother's envelope in your hand you let your sight wander to the setting of dusk.
Even the sunset looked perfect today.

Little did you know, a figure watched from the rising shadows; Instead of the descending star, his vision was solely focused on your daydreaming figure.
"So fragile. So oblivious. What brings you to this town, little bird?"

Your small soft palms opened the letter and from it, you retrieved a  gold necklace holding a rising phoenix charm, adorned with small jewels. In an instant, nostalgia washed over you as tears gathered in your soft (e/c) pools.
-"A new beginning..."

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