"Out of your league"

Start from the beginning

After a little convincing, Robin was allowed to help translate the recording and Steve willingly went back to work.


RUNNING OUT OF THE CAR, Max, El and Evelyn stopped by the mall's entrance. Seeing a hesitant Eleven, Max and Evelyn shared a knowing look.

The redhead was the first one to intervine "Hey, what's wrong?" "Too many people. Against the rules" El looked next to her, waiting for the older girl's approval. Evelyn thought about Hopper, and about how he would murder her if he found out she was responsible for this. Max broke the girl out of her trance "Seriously? You have superpowers! What's the worst that could happen?". But the thing was... What Hopper didn't know wouldn't hurt him, right?

Both girls waited eagerly for Evelyn, "If Hopper finds out you were here, you're both dead".

Squealing loudly, the teens took of running into Starcourt mall, leaving a smiling Evelyn to catch up. When she finally reached them, Eleven looked around like she had just entered the White House, her eyes big as plates and her mouth wide open.

"Do you like it?" asked Evelyn from behind, scaring the amused girl who slowly nodded along. Breaking El out of her trance, Max took her nad in hers, "So, what should we do first?", seeing the girl's expression she continued "You've never been shoping before have you?" at her negative reponse, Max smiled widely "Well I guess we're just gonna have to try everything".

"You guys go have fun I'll meet you outside in an hour, alright? I'm gonna go see Steve". At the mention of her boyfriend, Max and Eleven raised their eyebrows and giggled like little girls, making Evelyn scoff as she waved them goodbye.


EVELYN WALKED INTO THE ICE CREAM PARLOR ready to rock Steve's world. As she approached the counter, where he was scooping ice cream and making small conversation with some costumers, he looked up with a smile on his face at the sight of his girl.

"Here she is!" Evelyn looked confused at to why Steve was telling a stranger about her, he didn't usually care for costumers "Hey-" "Your boyfriend here just told us you got into Purdue with a full ride, congratulations sweetheart!" said the old lady who had jut bought some strawberry ice cream.

Before she could react, the woman walked away, leaving Evelyn to look at her boyfriend with an annoyed expresion. She grabbed his hand, not caring about the counter being left unattended, and dragged him through the back door, ignoring Dustin and Robin's presence, to the hallway.

Knowing what usually happened when they were in the back corridor, Steve crashed his lips onto hers without hesitation. "I'll miss-, when you leave-- we won't get to--" Annoyed at this, the blonde girl stoped kissing her boyfriend, and loudly sighed at his words.

"What? What happened?" the boy blinked "I thought-- we always- we- back her-" "Not that Steve." Steve shrugged his shoulders, still wondering what he had done wrong."Why do you keep reminding me about that? You know I don't like to talk about it," Evelyn irritatingly said, "And the other day too!"trying to intervene without having his head cut off, the brunette boy fumbled with his words.

"Look, I'm just sad and frustrated that at the end off summer, you'll leave for college, Ev. I'm here, and I'll be here for God knows how long, and you'll be off living your dream in college far away from me."

Standing still, she tried not to cry, "You don't know that" He scrunched his face at her reaction "I'm not even sure I'll be able to afford what the scholarship doesn't cover, cause I definitely don't make enough money at my job to help my mom pay for all the additional expenses." Still wanting to express what he had been feeling for a while now, the boy standing in front of her tried to reason with his girlfriend, "You know you'll end up going anyways, I definitely do! It's the only thing I've been thinking about since you got the letter Evelyn", taken aback by this, the girl shook her head.

"I thought you were okay with it, you said you were happy for me" A confused yet sad expression made it's way to the blonde's face. Stammering over his words, Steve kept on going "I am! I didn't lie about that... It's just, I know everything is gonna change, and I know we said we would try to make things work, but I'm not so sure anymore." Not wanting to believe what Steve had just confessed, Evelyn felt her eyes well up.

At this point, both of them were facing off in what seemed to be turning into a real and serious argument.

"And you don't think I feel awful about it?! I love you, and I don't want to leave you, but we agreed that we had until the end of summer. Why are you doing this now?". Steve looked into the girl's eyes, seeing tears running down her cheeks was making him want to cry, and mostly because he had been the cause of them.

Steve had never made Evelyn cry of sadness, and he prided himself for it, so this was making him feel like the worst person to ever exist.

"Look Ev, this is not how I wanted this conversation to go, and this is definitely not the time fo-" "When's the right time then? When I'm leaving for college? When I'm already there?". The boy's mouth went dry, and no words were able to come out, "And how did you think this was gonna go?! Cause it looks like you had a long time to think about it!"

A deafening silence fell between the couple, as they stared deeply into each others eyes.

Evelyn broke the silence with the question both of them had been dreading to ask, "So what? I f you really feel like that, I don't know what I can do anymore", she reached for the door handle and turned to look at him.

"I need to think about it."

With that last sentence, she left him standing in the corridor by himself, both not knowing how would happen next, Evelyn ran out of the store towards the entrance, where she waited for the girls to come back so they could leave.



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Hello everyone! I know this is a pretty short chapter, but I have been writing and rewriting a few chapters cause I forgot to rewrite episode three. So for the time being, enjoy part two from last chapter! Also, sorry for the long absence! I have been busy with senior year and I finally got the time and energy to finish this story!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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