"You're so, strong baby, I'm not gonna ask more about it 'cause you look triggered, so, let's try and move on to something else okay?"

And we talked, for God knows how long- we talked about scary moments and silly moments, we talked about any topic that came to mind; and just like that I had to wake up.

I rubbed my eyes, slightly stretching. Today there was school and I had to go to work, Mama was already done with our ballroom attire so there wasn't much to stress about tomorrow.

I got out and made my bed, walking out I saw Maiya's door open, her bed already made. "hey midget," I greeted, "Give me a hug," she demands, I stalk over to her dramatic self and pull her into a bone crushing hug.

"Thanks, now shoo- you have school," she pushed me out of her room before shutting it and getting herself dressed.

"Bitch," I mumbled before going to get ready as well. Finally we got done and headed our, not bothering to wake our tired mother.

"I heard some royale's are traveling to the palace today," Maiya said, kicking a pebble in her way. I look down at my sister, not really caring "Yeah, I don't care," I snickered "Race you there!" I said before dashing off

"Hey that's not fair!" She complained before running to me. I finally reached her school gates, bending over slightly breathless with my hands resting on my knees. "I won," I shot up, giggling at her annoyed expression "I got to go now, smell you later," I kissed her forehead before leaving her to go to school.

Oh shit, the field trip is later today. Which means I have to be dismissed earlier, I'm not even going to the field trip they just requested for me to come and help, I'm pretty famous and wanted.

I finally reached the school gates, greeted with an extremely happy Hector. "Oh hey hector, what's got your all giddy this morning?"
I asked, pulling him into a warm hug. He accepted my hug squeezing me a little, I'm guessing from excitement. "My sister comes today! I haven't seen her in months," he said, I chuckled lightly at the excited boy "That's really good for you, hope to meet her tomorrow night," "oh you'll definitely meet her, she's very sweet, taller than you actually," he joked I punched his shoulder, laughing a little before going to home room.

"Hey kai," Alejandro greeted, "Hola!" I smiled before pulling him into a tight hug. "I'm going over to the castle today," I said before letting go, "Really? Why?" I shrugged not knowing the real answer "But people always want me," I brushed my hair back dramatically before giggling.

We were walking to home room, suddenly Jenna was in front of me, a bit too close.

She's gonna get into shit.

"What-" I was interrupted by Jenna shoving me, making me fall on my ass. "What the fuck-" I stood up, brushing myself, a crowd formed around us, "Fuck you for what you did," she sneered, I stared at her blankly; counting down the seconds on when someone will arrive. "Okay," I said simply and just like that, guards came rushing into the school.

"Jenna! You aren't supposed to be anywhere near Kairi, are you mad?" The principal came rushing in, I smirked looking at Alejandro who was also smirking.

That's what she gets for being a dumb bitch.

"Keep away from Kairi Takahashi, It was informed by the royal family themselves and what they say goes, do you understand me young lady?" Our principal scolded, I covered my mouth slightly, trying not to laugh, yet I was failing miserably. "Yes, understood." Jenna sighed, before being escorted by two guards to her class.

The other two guards came around me, bowing down slightly in sign of respect. "Sir Kairi Takahashi, we will be with you until you go back home, orders from the king if Ms Jenna tried to come into contact with you," a guard said, I nodded slightly before looking over to Alejandro.

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