Chapter 14

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IT WAS CHILLY AND SLIGHTLY HUMID by the ocean side, the birds sang their everyday songs, the waves crashed by the shore creating a soft melody- the sun was slowly setting, a blissful end of the day.

I brought my knees up, resting my chin atop the available resting area, shivering slightly. I sigh in content- the last time I was by this beach front I was 6 years old- a good few weeks before the incident, Mommy and Daddy took me and Maiya out for my birthday- best birthday ever in my opinion.

If I could, I would visit Japan again. I miss home, the amazing streets, the play areas, the vending machines. If only..

"Kairi?" A voice called, I look up in surprise only to see Mattia holding two mugs in his hands- I'm assuming it's a sort of hot beverage.

"Hi, Mattia," I smiled, he sat down next to me passing the warm mug, I accepted it and checked down to see it was hot coco with whipped cream and sprinkles decorated atop- my all time favorite.

"You like?" He asked, I nodded drinking the warm hot chocolate. "Where are we?" He broke the silence, "We are at this beach front I went to back in Japan, I consider it my favorite place," I smiled, "Your birthday is tomorrow, you're getting really old," I chuckled- boop-ing his cute nose, he playfully bit my finger.

"Hey! That's mean," I frowned, "Aww want me to kiss it better?" He pouted, I huffed before shoving my hand to his face, he placed gentle kisses on my bit finger, all over my knuckles, before kissing all my fingers- I blushed.

"There all better now," he intertwined our hands, I blushed a deep red; feeling warm holding his hand. I may bring danger to Mattia's life but- he's just so protective, and being around this man makes me forget about my life problems, I forget there are hunters trying to capture and kill me, I forget about everything- all because of this man.

Just standing next to him makes me feel protected; heck I even forget I'm a powerful ass dragon, all because of Mattia.

Placing my mug down, I rested my head on his shoulder, "Wait," he set his mug down as well, lifted me slightly so that I could sit in the space between his thighs, he wrapped his arms securely by my waist, one hand intertwined with mine, "There, much better," he kissed my cheek.

"Kairi, when is your birthday?" "February 8th," I answered, "Oh wow, short month, short kid," I cut him off by smacking his calf, he laughed slightly. "Rough, I like it," he teased "Shut up," I blushed.

"Do you know why we share dreams, Kai?" Mattia asked, I paled up slightly, not ready to tell him the real reason. "I-uh- I don't know," I lied.

"Well, when I was younger my mom always read me this bedtime story whenever I visited Mexico, it was about these two kids and they shared dreams, which meant they were spiritually connected, and the more they dreamt, the closer they got and they found out they were soulmates, I don't remember the book name but I've always loved that book and always hoped for a soulmate," the prince sighed

I blushed knowing damn well we are soulmates- but for a different reason, "Yeah, maybe we are soulmates," I answered, "Thank the gods you were picked to be my soulmate- I wouldn't have wanted any other," he kissed my neck slightly, I chuckled.

"Why did you come to Itália? If you don't mind sharing," knowing no one but us could enter our dreams, I decided on telling him- dreams can be the safest places to share information when it comes to dragons.

"Well, I was 6 and Maiya was 1- our house got invaded some time at night, Mommy just tucked us into bed, I couldn't sleep and neither could Maiya so I got her toy and went into her bed to help her sleep, I was really close to falling asleep until I felt alarmed and unsettled, I didn't understand what was going on at the time so my instincts told me to just hold Maiya, and then we heard a loud crash, and men shouting. Maiya was dead asleep so I had to carry her and get some of our stuff ready, mommy and daddy always told us there could be a time where this scary evacuation could happen so I was semi prepared, mom called us downstairs and had us put into some escape vent, that was the last time I saw my dad, and we saw a flame and I had to cover both me and Maiya's eyes- mommy was the only one that came into the vent, dad sacrificed himself to have us safe," I rubbed my teary eyes slightly.

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