The arts of Duelling (Wooyoung)

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I sat in the library studying and writing down notes from the two books laying next to me, sitting infront of me was my friend Yeosang a ravenclaw student and next to him Hongjoon another ravenclaw student, the three of us studying for the upcoming O.W.L.S.

Hearing a loud commotion the three of us looked up at each other and turned to the door of the library, other students also looking over, Madam Pince sighed from where she was sitting, standing up and walking over to the door.

Noticing a squabble between two students the moment my eye locked on to Wooyoung's figure being punched in the face I rushed up running over, along with other students Yeosang and Hongjoon following me.

We stopped right next to Mingi and Yunho the two Hufflepuffs in our group of friends, Yunho shock his head as he was talking to Hongjoon, while Mingi was cheering on Wooyoung as he threw a punch at the other student.

I smacked Mingi on the arm glearing up at him, his bright smile fell as he looked down at me rubbing his arm pouting.

Madam Pince separated the two students, grabbing their collars of their uniform and walking towards Professor McGonagall office.

The student's started walking off back to what ever they were doing before, leaving a small group of students behind, Hongjoon, Yeosang, Yunho, Mingi and myself.

"So why was Wooyoung puching that kid?" Yeosang sighed rubbing his head already getting a headache.

Mingi just shrugged his shoulders not knowing but Yunho sighed gesturing us to go back in to the library, we sat back down on our table, Yunho and Mingi now joining us.

"We all know that Wooyoung isn't the best when it comes to duelling right?" He said we all nodded waiting for him to continue.

"That other student Chan, he started making fun of him for it, Woo lost it and went for him" Yunho said shrugging his shoulders picking up one of the books from the table looking through it.

Yeosang looked at me are eyes meeting both of us knowing that wasn't the whole story, we both nodded as the two of us packed up, saying goodbye to the guys we quickly left the library.

"You don't believe that's it do you, Woo must've been pushed over the edge for him to hit somone" I said as we walked down the corridors of Hogwarts arm in arm.

"Wooyoung has been acting a lot different recently, that's all I know, at Dinner tonight talk to him see if you can find out what's bothering him, yeah?" Yeosang asked me, I nodded as we made our way to my dorm.

Thanking him for walking me we waved goodbye as he walked off to look for Wooyoung, saying the password the door opened and I walked in.

Walking through the lounge I noticed Seonghwa reading on the sofa, I sat down beside him with a sigh, He quickly looked at me then put the book down facing me.

"And why are you sighing like that?, are you alright?" He asked I layed my head down on his shoulder, feeling him pat my head I told him what happen.

Seonghwa listened carefully to me nodding also getting worried about Wooyoung as well.

"I'm sure he'll tell you what's going on, if you or Yeosang doesn't know then no one knows, you'll be the first person he tells" he told me, I nodded agreeing but I feel like Wooyoung was pulling away from me and I honestly didn't know why.

I walked to the great hall for dinner Seonghwa by my side, he was telling me about one of the potions that Hongjoon got wrong earlier, laughing knowing he'll never live this down.

Getting to the table I noticed Wooyoung still wasn't here, but it was still early he could be running late, but then again he's never late when food is involved.

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