Darth Sidious vs his toddler daughter

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Sidious is having a meeting with Tarkin when suddenly they hear a very strange noise. While they go see what happened, Sidious' 4 year old daughter, Lara sneaks in and steals all of her father's donuts. She runs away.

Sidious and Tarkin come back and see that the donuts are missing.

Sidious: Laaaaaaraaaaaaaa!

Lara comes in.

Lara: Yeah?

Sidious: Where are all the donuts?!

Lara: Ummmmmm...... They fell out of the windu

Sidious: What?! How do you even know who...?

Lara: Who?

Sidious: Never mind. WHERE ARE THE DONUTS?!

Lara: Look behind you.

Sidious looks around and sees all the remaining Jedi standing behind him.

Mace Windu: In the name of the Galactice Senate of the Empire, you are under arrest, Emperor.

Sidious: I am the Senate. Also, did you eat my donuts?!?!?!

Lara: Nope. You aren't that fat and big.

All the Jedi punch Sidious in the face, knocking him out.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Now what do we do with him?

Lara: Make him watch My Little Pony for the rest of his life!

Yoda: A good idea, that is. 

Mace Windu: I'm not guarding his cell.

Yoda: Annoyed, you must be. 

Mace Windu: Noooooooooooo!

Tell me if you want a part 2.

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