Teenage Yoda vs Stormtrooper

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Note: This is set after The Rise of Skywalker on a far away planet where the First/Final Order is still in charge.

A stormtrooper got stuck with traffic duty and is extremely bored when he sees a now-teenage Yoda running.

Stormtrooper: Hey, you, stop! You are under arrest for speeding!

Teenage Yoda stops running.

Teenage Yoda: Speeding, I was not. Running, I am.

Stormtrooper: Well, you can't run because that is going fast, and that's illegal.

Teenage Yoda: In a vehicle, I was not. An idiot, you are!

Stormtrooper: That's it! You are coming with me, little creature!

Teenage Yoda: A creature, I am not! A person, I am!

An officer comes to the scene.

Officer: What seems to be the problem?

Stormtrooper: I caught this strange small sentient creature speeding, sir.

Officer: And in what way was it speeding?

Stormtrooper: Uuuuuhhhhhh......It was running.

Officer: You're fired for being an idiot.

Stormtrooper: Noooooooooooooo!

The stormtrooper walks away.

Officer[to teenage Yoda]: Okay, and who are you?

Teenage Yoda: Daren, my name is.

Officer: Ummmmm.... did you say that your name is Daren?

Daren: Yes.

Officer: Are you a Force-User?

Daren: Yes.

Officer: You are now required to serve us or die!

Daren[Force Chokes officer]: Serve you, I will not! Die, you will!

Officer dies.

Daren: Mmmmm...Yes. Murder.

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