Chapter 1: The first murder

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Police sirens echoed throughout the sleepy town of Graycott. Everyone woke up and peeked out their windows and front doors to see what all the commotion was about one of the people peaking their heads out happened to be Audrey Harris. "What's going on mum?" Her accent British. She yawned and put on a robe, rubbing her eyes and walking downstairs.

Audrey's sister, Harley and her Mother, Katrina are huddled at the front door staring at the 7 police cars at their neighbors' house. Audrey squished between the two. "Bloody hell! Why are there so many police cars?" She asked very confusedly. 

The only time she's seen more than one police car was when Jersey was off his face. "I-i don't know I was going to bed and I heard a scream and I called 911," Katrina said her body shaking. "Come on its late mummy lets go to bed" Harley suggested and guided her distressed mother to her bedroom. Audrey looked out the door one last time and saw a body being wheeled out and she covered her mouth, closing the door and going to bed.

The next morning Audrey got up and looked out her window. The cars are still at their neighbor's house- she sighed and started to get ready for school. She tied her long black hair up in an elegant bun with some hair to frame her face. She put on red lipstick to give her a Snow White look. She put on some brown eye shadow that brought out her dashing green eyes. She got dressed in some black skinny jeans and an oversized sweater with a black turtle neck underneath. Audrey grabbed her navy blue bag and left for the day.


Hey, hope you guys enjoy this :)

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