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Lauren was a senior in highschool. She was so, so thankful for it being her last year of school, since she didn't want to continue on to college, and didn't have the money for it all. Lauren was a bit self conscious. She didn't like her body and she didn't think she was pretty. She was 5'6-ish and she was nearing 200 pounds. She felt fat, but she didn't look it. It was more of a "to be pretty you have to be skinny" situation, and she was beginning to realize that wasn't true. She didn't feel as pretty as she really was though. She felt her face had too many pimples and her body had too many stretch marks. She was truly beautiful. Her eyes were a dark, hazelnut brown. Her hair was the same, just a little lighter. Her lips wrapped right in a perfect cupid's bow shape. She didn't feel like most people felt though. There was just something she thought or felt that she couldn't quite figure out yet. She didn't appreciate herself as much as she needed to. This caused a lot of self-esteem issues. She didn't have anyone really to talk to; all of her friends were pretty terrible people and they just weren't there for her. Because of this, she felt a sense of loneliness inside. Her parents had passed in a car wreck a few years back, when she was 6. She hated school as much as the next person. She always had that one teacher that never pays attention to anyone except for one or two students. For example, Mr. Goode was always talking about Amanda or Leah. There were two classes, though, that made her day actually worth getting up for. She couldn't quite tell why, but they just made her happy.

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