"Henry you okay?" I asked him gently. He immediately shoved the piece of paper back into his sweatshirt, causing it to disappear as he nodded his head. I put on my weakest smile to inform him that I got his unbelievable response.

"Anyways, you want breakfast? I can make some eggs if you want to."  He asked me sweetly. He walked towards the fridge and opened it, digging his hand into the endless number of objects only to reveal a grey egg carton.

"Yeah, sure!" I replied with a smile as he did the same, now exposing his perfectly aligned teeth. As I hoped over the young girl underneath me, my feet now making contact with the bearable temperature of the ground, I smirked gently as I made my way towards the kitchen. I caught Henry on time as he only placed the egg carton on the counter, letting it rest peacefully at its own pace as he placed the frying pan on the stove. Impressed at his organization I walked up to him slowly, not letting him know he was being evaluated on his performance. "Wow, I didn't know you could cook." I asked silently and yet intrigued as he only smirked.

"Not really, but my specialties are eggs, cereal and oatmeal." He replied contently as I only rolled my eyes.

"Wow, you're so talented Mr..?"

"Hart, Mr. Hart." He replied for me as he turned around. He took his hand out for me to shake it firmly. I grinned and copied his actions, I reached my small hands out and molded them into his, shaking it slowly and yet repetitively. His hand was warm and soft against mines, getting me a bit too comfortable in his touch. As I let go, I was immediately welcomed with his light brown eyes, I breathed in gently and adverted my eyes away.

"Well Chef Henry, I have a much better suggestion for our breakfast."

"Oh really? What are you thinking of shorty?" Henry joked causing me to roll my eyes playfully. I bit my bottom lip as I prepared myself to answer his question.

"I may have been thinking of a little panky pancake action." I replied suggestly as he tilted his head slightly. His bed hair following his movements, now hanging to the side.

"You see, the problem here Char is that when I said "special" I ment those are the only things I can cook." Henry chuckled nervously as I shook my head at his obliviousness, and yet, smiling at his adorable ways. Walking towards the kitchen counter I lightly jumped pushing myself even higher, and sat down on its hard surface.

"Well would you be kind enough to tell me where I can grab the pancake ingredients then?" I asked giving him a knowing look. His face instantly formed a state of understanding as his lips were parted in a circular motion, forming the shape of the 15th letter of the alphabet.

"Right there, the second one." I watched as he pointed towards the other side of the colourful kitchen. Scanning his arms and fingers, trying to see which one it was, I sighed happily as I found the correct cabinet. Jumping off the counter, now touching the wooden floor again, I walked to the very needed cabinet and rested my hand on its metal handle. It was very warm, as if someone had recently touched it and opened it up to reveal all its glory inside.

Pulling on the handle, now fully opening it, I bit my bottom lip as I stared at the kitchen's goody holder. Glancing past the 1st and 2nd row I sighed as I couldn't find the ingredients I needed most. As I was  about to loose hope I gazed my eyes even higher. My neck practically all the way up at it's tall height. A light smile crawled its way towards my face as I finally found the white sack of flour and sugar, but I internally groaned as it was most likely impossible for me to grab it without a chair. As I was about to turn around and call Henry, call him so he could help me, I felt a sudden heat brush on my back side, heating me up in a comfortable manner. I watched his long arms rise up to grab the two ingredients and come back down slowly. It felt as if time had slowed down. That everything became in slow motion. Turning around I was immediately welcomed with his sweatshirt. I felt nervous, I felt as if I were gonna be anxious if I gazed up and met his face. But as my face trailed and met his neck, Adam's apple and jawline, my eyes suddenly widen as I was in locked, stuck in his eyes.

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