Chapter Thirty Three

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Draco's POV
I burst out of the floo in the living room of our Manor. Everything was silent so I figured uncle Tom must be holding a meeting.

I walked to the meeting room and knocked on the door impatiently.


Tom's POV

"Draco? Why are you here? How did you get out?" I'm quite surprised to see the Malfoy heir enter the room. He couldn't have crossed the wards around Hogwarts by himself.

"Uncle Tom, Dumbledore took Hadrian and went on a horcrux hunt." He blurted out.

"What?" Several voices said at once.

"That's not important right now! Hadrian fixed the vanishing cabinet. Now we can enter Hogwarts easily and win this war!" Draco was practically bouncing from excitement.

"This is great! Well done you two!" I congratulated him and turned to my elite
"Get ready and meet me at the entrance hall in ten minutes. We take Hogwarts tonight."

Hadrian's POV

I can't believe my luck. The old fool walked straight in to uncle Tom's trap.

Uncle Tom was so furious when he found out about Dumblefuck's horcrux hunt. Originally, he wanted to replace the horcruxes with death traps, but Dray pointed out that I could be dragged into one.

Now it's time to play the savior.

"But sir! That could be poison. It could kill you. I'll drink it."

"Oh no Harry! I don't think it'll kill us. At least not straight away. You are far more valuable to our cause. I'll drink it. But, you must promise me that you will make me drink all of it."

I could barely hold in my excitement. I managed to look like a deer caught in headlights with wide innocent eyes.

"I promise sir." I replied in a small unsure voice.

Then he turned to the basin and took the crystal goblet besides it. He dipped it into the liquid and filled it up to the brim.

I couldn't help but scowl when he raised the glass in a toast "To your good health Harry". Thankfully, he didn't notice it.

It took three goblets for him to feel the effects of the potion. I watched in glee as he chocked on the fourth goblet.

I grabbed the goblet from him and showed the rest of it down his throat. Soon he was begging me to stop it.

I didn't stop until he swallowed every last drop of the potion. Then he was screaming for water.

Watching him scream made my whole body tingle with pleasure. The screams were like music to my ears.

I wish I could just let him scream himself to death, but that wouldn't bode well with the savior act.

I sighed at my predicament and reached into the muddy water to fill the goblet. A small hiss of parseltongue took care of the inferi as I wasn't in the mood to deal with them.

After he drank the water, I helped him get up and apparated us back to Hogwarts before he could say anything because though he didn't know it, his magical core was depleted. The liquid sucked out his core making him closer to a squib than most.

We ended up on the astronomy tower and I felt a body bind curse come my way. But it was so weak, I could throw it off in a second. I decided to play the old man's game and stood perfectly still.

"Well hello headmaster!" A very familiar voice purred from the darkness.

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