Part 4

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Last time on test.....

" the mystery person we were trying to find earlier just killed herself in front of us after fighting us and watching us and, well it seemed she was testing us. But when she was done she disarmed Nat taking her gun and put it up to her head, winked then pulled the trigger disappearing. Now that I think about it, it was pretty dramatic and at the same time not necessary." I started zoning out when I hear the sound of the elevator moving."


Before the elevator.....

Percy pov

I vapor traveled to my house then I set an alarm so I wouldn't be late and changed into the shield catsuit ( like Natasha's shield uniform not a suit that looks like a cat) that Nick gave me and put my long raven hair in a ponytail and slipping on my combat boots and moving my weapons into hidden pockets of all sizes and sat down on my bed looking at a picture of me and Andrew and our last good memory before the war.

*Flash back*

Me and Andrew were on the beach at Long Island, we were sitting on a picnic blanket, our hands interlocked my head on his shoulder. We weren't talking, and the silence wasn't awkward, but peaceful and calming. He then looked at me, a smile dawned his face and I looked back with a similar look on mine, then he gave me a kiss. It was a small one but sweet, then he rested his forehead on mine our faces inches apart and whispered three words that will forever haunt me even though I will forever cherish them...I Love You.

*Flashback end*

At that moment my alarm went off snapping me back to reality. I turned it off and walked out and to the shield vehicle waiting outside for me.

————-Time skip——————————

Still in Percy's pov

We pulled up to Avengers' tower and I got out walked to the front desk and flashed my temporary S.H.I.E.L.D badge and walked into the elevator. On the outside I was calm but deep down I was freaking out and regretted taking the elevator after Tartarus but it was faster then walking so I sucked it up anyway. While going up I thought about how they will react. I heard the elevator ding as it came to a stop and the doors opened.

3d pov

After the elevator dinged everyone looked at the doors and watched them open and out stepped a woman in a shield suit, she had dark raven hair and shocking sea green eyes that looked like the ocean waves but also they seemed to move like them. She walked in and stood next to director Fury, she was attractive yet you can tell that she is dangerous because the way she holds herself, it shows that she is easygoing but ready to attack at the same time and her eyes how they scanned the room for exits before looking at the avengers with a lopsided grin and then to Fury saying " So are you going to tell them or do I have to?" "Right, Avengers I have personally asked an old friend named Percy to train you all to work together and act more like a team, and I expect you to give her respect and your time because she is more of a hero than all of you combined. Understand?" "Yes sir" the avengers answered and looked at Percy who was whispering to the director before giving him a hug and waving as he walked into the elevator. "Sooo, you're the famous avengers?" "Umm duh, and who are you?" Sassed Tony.

"Well, talk about loosing blue cookie points. You can call me Percy by the way."    

    "Wait, your Percy?! Um are you a shield agent too because I have never seen you before." "No I am not a shield agent, Nick gave me the suit and I gotta say that I think I like pants and a long sleeve shirt better it's way more comfortable than this. So I'll be right back." Percy rambled before running out into the stairwell, the avengers were standing there stunned unsure of what happened " Well, that was interes..." "What's blue cookie points?" Tony whimpered cutting Bruce off.


Sneak peek:

    "Ah what are blue cookie points? you ask? Get so many points by being respectful and actually listen to me and my lessons and you get points, gather so many points and you get a blue cookie"


        Sorry it took so long I'm the basketball manger at school and we had a lot of games going on and then I got sick so that was great... Anyway I hope you enjoy this part. P.s. Sorry about all the pov changes.

Well since only one person gave title suggestions, we are going to use one so I personally like Testing the Waters. So that's the one we will be using so thank you @drakebellbicth . 

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