Shen Wei just silent, what Da Qing said was true but Shen Wei just couldn't help it.

"Also, please keep this in your mind.  He has a fiancee. Don't ruin their relationship. Accept the fact instead.  He doesn't belong to you"

"I don't want to ruin their relationship.  What kind of person do you think I am?" Shen Wei argued

"Yeah you don't want to ruin their relationship by begging Yunlan to stay" Da Qing said in sarcastic tone "Actually people won't feel sympathy at all by you doing this"

"I don't want a sympathy so you don't need to give me that and lecture me like this, I am your boss"

"Yeah, you are my stubborn boss.  Look what I mean is, you need to see the bigger box.  Many things fall victim when you are like this, your parents, your best friend, your shop.  Just because of your sappy romantic story?  Forget him and start your life again.  You were fine before you met him.  People comes and goes.  Only some people that truly love you will stay. You see whose stay for you?  And I don't see Yunlan there. That means he is just a passerby in our life.  Are you willing to lose some people that truly love you for someone that doesn't even have a mutual feeling with you and doesn't belong to you?" Da Qing then stood up "Think about that, I will wait downstairs.  If you don't want to go with me that means you choose Yunlan and get ready to lose people who care about you including me"

After Da Qing left his room, Shen Wei was still speechless.  Everything Da Qing said was true.  Is Shen Wei really stupid?  But this pain is real.  But maybe ... maybe it will heal by itself.  Maybe Shen Wei can forget him by spending a lot of times with his family and friends. That way he won't have time to think about his tragic love story.

Shen Wei then went downstairs to meet Da Qing.

"I'll come with you to the shop but I want to take a shower first.  Is that okay?"

"Are you sure?  Also if you come with me that means you need to forget about Yunlan"

"Yeah" Shen Wei nodded

"That's my boss!  Go on, take your shower.  You stinky.  I'll wait here "


Maybe Shen Wei's decision also right.  He could barely forget Zhao Yunlan by spending time with his family and friends.  Discuss new recipes for their stores, eat together and more.  Slowly Shen Wei began to rebuild his life again.  Shen Wei also wanted to talk to Guanying again, but to go alone with Guanying, Shen Wei was not ready.  Guanying also promised that he would not force Shen Wei to accept his love again.  Shen Wei is getting better.

How about Zhao Yunlan?

Well, to be honest, Zhao Yunlan still felt guilty about what he had said to Shen Wei.  Zhao Yunlan had already hurt Shen Wei's heart.  But that is the only way to keep Shen Wei safe.  Zhao Yunlan's life was always surrounded by danger at least until he had enough evidence to put his stepmother and stepbrother in jail.  Maybe after that he can meet again with Shen Wei and hope he can improve his relationship with Shen Wei.

But other facts made Zhao Yunlan discard the idea to improve his relationship with Shen Wei.  Zhao Yunlan already had a fiancée and he had promised his late father. Maybe indeed Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan were not destined to be together in this life.

It felt really painful, especially when more and more the feeling of love actually grows in Zhao Yunlan's heart.  He hurt himself by hurting Shen Wei.

"Xiao Wei ah ... why do we have to hurt each other like this?  I hate myself by hurting you" Zhao Yunlan muttered as he saw Shen Wei that day.

As usual, Zhao Yunlan always spent an hour during the lunch time just to see Shen Wei from a distance who was working in his shop.  Seeing his smiles at least made Zhao Yunlan relieved.  Every day Zhao Yunlan just sat in his car and looked out the window.  He can only lament his destiny that cannot be with Shen Wei.

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