"But you're making me... Better." Your face softened when he said that, your remember what Rey said about helping each other bring him back. "You're looking at me weird again."

"I'm sorry it's just you're-"

"It's fine." He cut you off, "What I meant by better was that I've never felt comfortable with anyone before until you suddenly appeared out of nowhere."

"Is that a compliment? Are you turning soft on me? What happened to 'The force is strong with you, we'll rule the whole galaxy! mwahahaha!'". You mimicked his deep voice when you quoted him.

"Do you like me like that?"

"I like you for you." 


You both ended up falling asleep, but it wasn't the normal head on each other's shoulders like one of those rom-coms, Kylo's face was resting on the pillow he was hugging and your head was on the sofa, you were both still sitting on the floor but you were too tired to be uncomfortable.

When morning came, Kylo woke up first, he was about to wake you but your mother stopped him.

"Don't wake her this early, she'll yell at you and be in a bad mood all day." She warned him, Kylo just nodded and stood up from the floor taking the empty tray with him when he walked to the kitchen.

"Is she going to be alright on the floor?" He asked your mother.

"Probably not." Kylo sighed and lifted you up to place you on the couch, creating a barrier with the pillow so you won't fall off. "I'm glad you're here to help me take care of her, you don't know how stubborn she is."

"... I think I do." He mumbled to himself,  his mind wandering to your training back at his world. He went to help your mother to prepare breakfast, she told him that she had to leave soon for work so he'd be the one watching over you.

Kylo had just placed the food on the plate when he heard a small thud, he rushed to the living room immediately to see what happened and he what he saw was you on the ground with shock on your face.

"Uh.." You pushed yourself up and tried to fix yourself, "Good morning?"

"I'm glad you're up." Kylo said to you before retreating back to the kitchen to put the plates on the table.

"I see you learned how to cook already?" You followed him and raised your brows.

"You mother did most of the things, I just put everything together." He explained, and sat down on the dining table, you copied his actions and you both started eating.

An uncomfortable silence grew, and only the sound of your spoons and forks hitting the plate were heard. The though of bring Kylo back to the light invaded your mind, you didn't know if you should do it, was it a good thing? light is always good, right?

But what did you know about it? Did you even learn enough from just reading?

Your eyes met Kylo and you cleared your throat before looking away.

"What're you thinking about?" He asked.

"I just-" you tried to decide if you should tell him or not but your mouth acted faster than your mind did. "I- I talked to.. the girl?"

"What girl?" His voice suddenly grew deeper in interest.

"You know... Rey?" You looked at him awkwardly, "through the force."

"But the force doesn't work here." He stated.

"I know, maybe it's because of my abilities? I'm some kind of-"

"-bridge." He finished for you, "My.. mother used to tell me a story about them, a person who connects all the universes, I didn't think it was going to be you."

"What do you mean it you didn't think it was me? I told you about it a lot of times, you even asked me questions about it." You dropped your spoon and fork on the plate and glared at him.

"Let's just say i thought it was your... Imagination?" He said lowly as if he was afraid to say it. "But I believe you now, after all this.."

"Yeah, riiighhht." You scoffed before starting to eat again. The both of you didn't really want to talk about it again so you just started another conversation a few moments later.

"You've never really seen how it is outside, do you want to walk around later?" You offered him.

"Of course." He answered.

When you finished your meal you told him to take a shower and change his clothes before you leave. And when you did, you both walked around the block, it also felt like a tour for you since it's been a while since you came back here.

You met by some people who was close to your mother, you just greeted them and continued to walk, not really wanting to chat.

You passed by the park you used to play on when you were a kid, this was where you met your now- distant best friend, your mother brought you here after school when you were young hoping that it would help you interact with people.

You and Kylo sat on the bench and watched the children play.

"Everyone's so peaceful here, and happy." He said beside you.

"Kylo?" You called for his attention. "Have you ever thought about returning to your mother?"

"Even if I wanted to, I can't. I've done horrible things, but I found my own way in the dark side, and it welcomed me." He turned his head away to look at the people again.

"Why isn't there a neutral side? Like from the show we watched last night? Where you're just somewhere in the middle. Not good not bad, just right."

"There are Gray Jedi-" you cut him off.

"No, there will be no such thing as Jedi or Sith or whatever.. You'll just be a force user out of the fight, just living like this." You motioned to the people.

"It's suburban yet it's still happy." You looked at Kylo with seriousness in your eyes. "Why can't we just stay?"


This book doesn't have proper angst yet so watch out (☞ ಠ_ಠ)☞

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