Information about yourself

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Name: Y/n motoyasu


Height: 185cm

Eye color: e/c

Hair color: h/c

Gender: female

Occupation: legendary hero, former university student

Weapon: scepter hero

Curse series:?

Likes: her naive twin brother, sweets, video games, manga, anime, nintendo, fleece blankets, animals, gems of any kind, flowers, cooking, collecting and exploring. Can sing really good at moments.

Dislikes: liars or accusers, spicy food, the snobby types of nobles, bad idea's, people being idiots.

Bad habit: Acts like a animaniac that can really scare or violently worry those for her except those close to her because they get used to it.

Also curse words will halfway censured for the younger ones. "***"

Personality: sweet, mature, very caring, and a mother figure to those in sadness and a leader in tasks and battles and taking care of othrs before yourself, very good at things and can take care of yourself (you like to be the prince who saves the one in distress), sarcastic sometimes, when angry you don't want to be messed with, very strong, can cook excellently, and you also can throw a good discipline punch or a good karate chop. You found out your brother had vanished without a trace which left you very devastated but you just couldn't give up like because somehow, somewhere deep in your heart you had a feeling he was still alive somewhere and that kept you determined.

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