"But what we're doing first doesn't require the daggers, just swords. Since everyone here uses swords better I want to try and build up some more speed there first to make it easier to increase your speed with the daggers after." I told the three of them. The three of them are all better with swords than knives. Adrian is better with a bow than a sword but he's still really good with a sword which is actually quite rare for Apollo kids. I was a weird case so I don't really count.

It was probably a good job both Adrian and Hope had their swords in their sheaths on their sides otherwise we would have been a bit stuck.

"Wait, you four have swords?!" Jacob almost shouted shocked.

"Yep. What happened to staying quiet by the way?" I called to the wolves who just sort of shrugged. Oh well, I never really expected them to last this long without asking questions.

"Er...Since Nico's trained with me before let's start with you first." I started addressing all three and then just Nico. "Basically I'm going to start off normally then gradually get faster." I told him quieter than how I was talking before and he nodded. I pressed down on my ring and looked over at the shocked expressions on the shifters faces as my sword appeared. Maybe bringing them along wasn't such a bad idea after all. Their reactions to things are pretty funny.

Wordlessly Adrian and Hope shifted back so that they were closer to the tree line incase there was a lot of movement in the fight. Fights vary a lot. Sometimes people move all over the place and others they hardly move at all.

I shifted my grip on my sword slightly before stepping backwards into the middle of the clearing. At the edge of the clearing I could hear the three wolves were betting on who would win. At least Leah thought I would win. Nice to know I don't seem completely useless to all of them.

"Thanks for the support Leah." I called to her as Nico headed forward. Jacob and Seth looked like rabbits caught in headlights while Leah looked mostly indifferent but nodded in my direction.

"They're taking bets?" Nico guessed.

"Yep. They have so little faith in me." I replied.

"They probably think you look to innocent to wield a sword." Nico said.

"How wrong they are." I commented before falling silent and shifting the weight of my sword in my hand again.

Nico stepped forward which pretty much signalled the start of our fight. The two of us paused for a second neither of us taking the first move. Nico was the one who finally did which was probably the smart thing to do. Once your in defence against a vampire it wouldn't be easy to get out of it.

Focusing on keeping my speed at normal mortal rate I twisted my body and sword to block the attack, pushing his sword away from me. As soon as he did he withdrew and struck again on my right side this time showing he had obviously anticipated my block. I stepped to the side slightly as I brought my sword around to block his.

Before he could strike out again I swung my sword in the direction of the top of his left leg increasing the speed since he had been used to fighting at the previous speed for years. What would be the point in continuing at that pace for any longer?

Nico stepped diagonally back away from the reach of my sword. I stepped forward allowing him the chance to attack again. I ducked down under the high swing of his blade resisting the urge to knock out his legs from underneath him by reminding myself that it wasn't the point of this. Speed was. Instead I struck out slightly towards him forcing him back slightly so I could get back up again with ease.

"You've been practising." I commented increasing the pace of the fight a little more.

"Occasionally." Nico replied as I blocked another attack. The clanged of blades was getting more and more frequent now as the fighting sped up more and more. I wasn't trying to drag this out. If he could attack and block at a speed I would immediately move on. No point sticking around and tiring him out more for faster speeds.

Our blades clashed together again as I attacked towards his left side. He blocked it just as I had expected. I twisted my wrist slightly and flicked it outwards causing his arm to be brought out to the side. I spun around to the right striking out again as I did so towards his defenceless side. He brought his blade around just in time. It barely scraped mine but it was enough to deflect my blow and stop it from causing any damage which is good.

By this time I must have been attacking at a speed that could be classed as too fast to be human. Not vampire speed but not human.

I easily blocked his blow and struck out again creating a shallow cut on his arm. At that I lowered my sword knowing that I had found around the speed that Nico's eyes can see properly at the moment. I could tell by the slightly unfocused look in his eyes as he tried to follow where the blade was going.

The scent of the small amount of blood from the cut hit me almost immediately but I didn't react this time except for the fact that my breaths became considerably shallower and slower. It's a good job I don't need to breathe particularly as I swear this wouldn't give you the oxygen amount that you need to be able to live.

"I know you said that you could use swords but I was expecting feeble little clashes not trained fighters." Jacob called from across the field. We had drifted from the middle but not too far.

"Like thousands of people say; never judge a book by its cover." I replied not feeling too offended as people don't tend to find teenagers who can fight with actual weapons and not just games consoles.

"Are you really going to use that quote?"

"Why shouldn't I use that quote?"

"How long have you been a vampire?" Seth asked me interrupting the argument over a quote before it got too far.

"Around four or five months. Near the end of four I think."

"Doesn't that make you a newborn still?"

"Yep. Another seven months of newbornness to go." I answered sighing slightly. Newborn strength sucks. You have to be careful not to break everything.

"Anyway Hope or Adrian. Which one of you two is next?"

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