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"Maybe one day we'll all be siblings. You know, if we adopt Alex, I marry Harry, and Hermione marries Ron," Ginny suggested, zipping up the back of Alexandra's dress. "Assuming all goes well."

"If you think about it that way, that means we could all be related to Malfoy one day," Hermione pointed out. "I can hardly imagine us all at holidays."

"I'd take awkward holidays over none at all," Alexandra stated bluntly, bringing reality back into the conversation.

"I always thought you'd marry Fred, and we'd become sisters that way," Ginny explained, ending the awkward silence.

"Does Fred know about Draco?" Hermione asked. Alexandra shrugged, but Ginny nodded.

"Harry mentioned it over the holidays, back when he only suspected it," Ginny explained. "When Harry asked how you'd gotten here and Fred explained the note, that's when Harry confirmed it."

"Girls! Hurry!" Molly called from downstairs. The three girls rushed to finish getting ready before running downstairs to meet everyone else. Just as they left, an eagle owl flew through the bedroom window and landed on Alexandra's bed, leaving a piece of parchment before flying off. Ginny's owl pecked through it's cage trying to get her attention, but she was too far to hear any commotion.

"You girls look ready to party," Fred joked.

"I'm ready to go outside more than anything," Alex chuckled, staring longingly at the open door but not being able to move. Harry walked up next to her, noticing her hesitation. Both of them ultimately refused to take the Polyjuice Potion- despite multiple protests- insisting on attending the wedding as themselves. Alexandra looked down as her friend held his hand out for her to take. She took it, and together they walked as Alexandra stepped outside for the first time in over a month. She stood stiffly, expecting a Death Eater to come and grab her at that moment, but that never happened. Instead, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George and Ginny joined the duo as they all walked towards the tent.

The ceremony went by rather quickly. Everybody seemed slightly distracted, equally wondering why someone would have a wedding in the middle of a war. A few people actually left immediately following the ceremony while many others stayed to enjoy the reception.

"I believe you owe me a dance," Fred smiled, attempting to distract Alexandra from her worries. She returned the smile, taking his hand as they walked towards the dance floor.

Meanwhile, Hermione realized she had forgotten her bag in her bedroom after being in a rush to get ready and quickly ran to retrieve it. She couldn't help but notice Ginny's owl squeaking loudly as he tried to escape his cage. She went to calm him down, and that's when she noticed the parchment lying on Alex's bed. Carefully, she opened it, and her heart fell to her feet in fear. She recognized Malfoy's handwriting scribbled across the torn piece of parchment, but she was more worried about what he wrote than how he wrote it.

Get out of there. Now.

"Alex!" She yelled, knowing nobody could hear her, but continuing to call for her friends anyway. "Harry! Ron!"

"What's going on?" Harry asked, having heard her on his way into the Burrow to use the loo. At a glance, Ron noticed the two talking by the door and rushed to join them.

"They're coming for her. Everyone is in danger. We've got to-"

Hermione was suddenly interrupted by a bright blue ball shooting past her and her friends, landing in the center of the tent as everyone fell quiet.

"The ministry has fallen," a voice echoed. Hermione looked across the tent to see Alex's face fall noticeably pale as Fred moved to stand protectively in front of her. "Scrimgeour is dead. They're coming."

"Alex!" Hermione yelled once again, panicking as Death Eaters stormed the tent and all the guests began screaming and running in every direction. Alexandra didn't know what to do or where to go, standing completely still in her spot as Fred began casting defensive spells around her. George was able to join him, but everybody else was stuck in the crowd.

"Run!" Fred yelled to Alexandra. "You have to run!"

Fred and George were unable to protect her alone. With both of them being thrown to the ground in seconds, Alexandra quickly became vulnerable. She tried to run, but didn't get far before she hit the ground as well. Hermione used one hand to grab onto Ron and Harry's, sticking her other hand out in an attempt to grab Alexandra. When she thought she felt Alexandra's hand in hers she immediately apparated, only to find that Alexandra wasn't with her. Instead, she held her wand.

"I thought I had her," Hermione cried, frantically looking around. "I had her hand, I swear it!"

"Hermione-" Harry protested, trying to calm her down. She had apparated them to Central London, so there were crowds of people that could spot them at any moment.

"They've got her. We had her, and we let her go," she continued to panic, regretting that she didn't try harder to help her friend.

"We'll find her," Ron assured. Hermione shook her head.

"How do you suppose we find her when we don't know where they've taken her? She could be anywhere."

"We'll find her, Hermione," Ron assured once again, placing his hand on her shoulder. "I know we will."

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