After the last line I said, Sean and I held each other close.

I could tell Sean was shocked, and speechless by my words.

We sat there for a while, listening to the sounds around us.

Birds chirping.

The breeze rustling the leaves on trees.

Cars driving by.

Children laughing, and parents chatting.

Sean's steady breathing.

My steady breathing.

And our heartbeats.

Beating in sinc with each other.

A sign that both of us were very much alive.

The feeling, of being safe in Sean's arms. I wish I would never end, but sadly it did.

Sean and I both got up, and started walking hand in hand down the sidewalk. Our hands rocking back and forth while we walked.

"I love you Y/n." Sean says out of the blue.

I open my mouth to reply, but get cut off.

"I really do, with all my heart." He says, his accent sneaking in. He squeezes my hand and turns his head towards me so he can look into my eyes.

"I love you too Sean, more than you know it." I say, returning his gaze and giving him a small peck on the cheek. He smiles, making me smile.

We continue walking down the sidewalk until we find Sean's car.

Sean opens the passenger door for me once again, and I thank him. He enters the car and starts the engine.

"Is there anywhere else you'd like to go before we head back home Peapod?" He asks.

"Nah, but I would like to cuddle up and watch a movie with you," I say, getting a little embarrassed realizing how stupid I must sound, "only if you want to of course!"

He smiles, "That sounds lovely.".

I sigh in relief as he starts the car ride home, halfway through the car ride I get a call from Sam.

"Heya Buddy!!" I say.

"Hi N/n! I was wondering if I could stay the night at a friends house." He asked.

"Oh, uh, sure why not," I laughed, "who may this friend be?"

"It's actually a couple guys, Ayden and Braden, we were gonna try and plan out something for Ayden's sister's birthday. Ayden wants to do something special for her, since she's having a tough time with chemotherapy." He says.

"Awww, that's nice of you guys, how old is she?" I ask.

"She 7, going on 8 years old." He replies.

"Well, when you see him, wish his family well for me." I say.

"I will, cya tomorrow Y/n! Love ya! And remember to use prote-" I cut him off.

"SAMUEL XAVIER!" I say before I hang up on him hysterically laughing, while I'm blushing madly and internally freaking out.

"Who was that?" Sean asks, curiously.

"It was Sam, he asked if he could stay the night at a friends house." I said, trying to keep my cool, "he said he's helping his friend plan something for his sisters birthday, since she's gonna be spending it in the hospital because of chemotherapy."

"Aww, that's nice, did he say anything else?" Sean says, chuckling at my embarrassed self.

"Nope." I say, lying while Sean just chuckles.

Sean's POV:

I heard every single word Sam said.

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