Today is Valentine's Day!! And it has been 2 weeks since I got out of the hospital, and Jack has been really nice helping out.

He comes over regularly, or when he can to check up on me.

Even Sam has taken a liking to him, according to what Sam told me, he's like an older brother!

I was in the kitchen making dinner, for the first time in a long time since, I normally got pizza or eat a sandwich. Simple stuff.

But! Today was Valentine's Day!!. I wanted to make Jack something nice. As a thanks for being such a good friend, and not giving up on me like so many others have done in the past. 

I was making chicken strips with green beans and potato wedges, trying my best to make it look like the picture I found on Pinterest.

I was cutting the chicken breasts when Same came out of nowhere and scared me, making me cut my finger.

"Fuck!" I screamed as Sam put his hands on my shoulder, scaring the living devil out of me. I turned around and looked at him, glaring and scolding him that he shouldn't scare me while I was working with a knife.

Until my hand started to sting.

I looked down to see a small cut on my thumb, "shit!".

I slightly panicked and went over to the sink, I grabbed paper towels and put pressure, trying to stop the bleeding. Once I did so, I got a bandaid and wrapped it around my finger.

Then I went back to my cooking, luckily I got no blood on the chicken.

I started breading the chicken and putting it on a pan to go into the oven, after I got the chicken in the oven and set the timer for 20 minutes I started working on the potato's and green beans.

I put the veggies on a pan and added seasonings and olive oil to make em crispy! Then I put them in the oven, on a rack above the chicken. They didn't need as much time as the chicken so it worked out well.

Then I finally got to relax, I sat on the couch and scrolled through some social media.

-Time skip 10 mins-

I heard a knock at the door.

I got up and opened the door to find a very exited Jackaboi.

"Y/n!" He said, hugging me.

"Jack!" I hugged back, "come in, come in!"

"I'm making dinner!" I exclaimed, pulling him inside. Closing the door behind him.

"Smells amazing N/n!"

"Hey Jack!" Sam says, walking over to us.

"Sup Sam, how you doing man?" Jack holds up his hand for a handshake, they do this weird handshake, hug, pat on the back thing.


The oven went off, signaling that dinner was ready.

I hurry over to the oven and take out the pans with oven mitts.

-Time Skip-

I quickly dished up plates for everyone and placed them on the table, where everyone was sitting.

Before I took a bit my mind was racing as I watched Jack take a chicken strip.

Is he gonna like it?

What if he doesn't like it?

My anxiety was getting the better of me, until Jack took a bite and his eye lit up, and I sighed in relief.

He does like it!

We all have finished eating the delicious meal I prepared and got many compliments from Jack and Sam.

It was no biggie!" I said, as Jack helped me clean the dishes.

"It is a very big biggie!" Jack replied, washing and rinsing the dishes while I dried them, "you took time out of your day to make me, of all people a meal! You deserve more than compliments!"

I blush, trying to hide it, but can't.

After we finish the dishes, Jack suggests taking us out somewhere.

"Wanna go to the park or something?" He asks.

"Sure! That would be lovely!" You answer.

"Sam, want to come with us?" Jack asks, Sam says no, then Jack turns away to grab his coat and shoes.

As Jack does this, Sam looks at me and wiggles his eyebrows, I blush and he silently laughs.

"Ready to go?" Jack says, breaking me out of the silent argument with my brother.

"Yeah! Yeah, let's go." I say, eager to leave my annoying brother.

-Time skip-

Jack and I decided to walk to the nearest park. While we did, we talked about school, video games, and life itself.

Until I spotted a swing set.

"Oh my goodness! Jack look!" I say, shaking his arm and pointing towards the swing set, "can you push me?"

I asked, jumping up and down like a small child.

"Sure, why the hell not." Jack laughs, and watches me run over to the swing set.

I sat down on a swing and patiently, but impatiently waited for Jack to come and push me.

Jack gently grabbed my waist, making me blush like crazy.

He pulled me back and let go, lightly pushing on my back as I swung towards him.

"Jack, join me!" I explain, gesturing towards the empty swing next to me.

He chuckles and sits next to me, pushing himself on the swing.

We laugh and talk, just enjoying life all together, until we decide to stop.

Jack gets off the swing and holds his hand out for me.

"I have one more place to show you." He says, holding his hand out for me, a hint of blush on his face.

I get off the swing and grab his hand, also blushing.

Hand in hand we walk down the sidewalk.

What is this feeling?

Why does it feel so good?

"I'll always be here for you~"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora