I get there and when I try it on its too big. Shit what am I going to do. The lady calls the seamstress and she tells me there is no way. So I start trying on new dresses. Apparently a i'm a size eight now not a twelve. So she calls around to see if my dress is anywhere in the size a want. Were in luck. A place in texas has it. I pay to have it over nighted to me. I need it asap. So why not. Just in case I try on a bunch of others but I don't find anything I like as much as I like mine. I ask her to hold onto my dress for a few days while I figure out what to do with it. At least the kids clothes are in as well as the grooms. Sam is going to wear green and tan, and Cal is wearing Blue and Tan. So that's all settled. I'm on pins and needles about my dress. What if its not what I want. I still cant believe i'm in a size eight. I'm not trying to loose weight but trying to get toned.

I get home and tell the guys and they inform me that like me curves so no more loosing them. Yeah yeah yeah. Tonight I cook for them. I go all out with what I learned. They really like it. Sig gets cooked fish. Not taking any chances yet. He likes it, i'm happy my children are going to get to try a bunch of seafood.

The rest of the night goes by easy. The kids go to sleep with out a problem. I head to work out and guys ask to join me. I'm down with that. Maybe this can be our thing. I start with two miles on the tread mill, then twenty minutes on the stair climber then the rest of the time is sparring with Dev. Its all going well till I nail him in the face. I bloody his nose and I feel bad. I was jabbing and came up with a combo and he did not duck like he normally does. He is way bigger then me. I don't know how it happened well I do but. I try not to laugh as I get him ice. I go to hand it to him and pretends to flinch and calls me Ali. I'm am far from Tatiana Ali. He is laughing at me. I just busted him in the nose and he is laughing. The man is demented. I swear. I storm off and he chases me and puts me over his shoulder and carries me to our bed where he strips me bare and makes love to me while Ano makes love to him. If this is what I get for making him bleed i'm may have to miss the pad more often.

The next morning I wake up and run for the toilet. Shit I know what this is but I don't want to tell the guys till i'm sure. So I call my ob doctor and make an appointment for that after noon. I tell them that i'm going out after lunch to run errands and when I get to the doctors she confirms it. I'm pregnant. She puts me on vitamins and gives me a due date based on my period.

I head to the beach after my appointment, I need time to think. We had talked about waiting but then stopped using condoms so its no wonder that I am in the spot im in. I'm scared about telling them, about delivering early, about carrying the baby, about how in the hell am I going to do this. When i'm alone with the three kids we have its hard honestly. Sig would be almost twenty two months and the twins like 13 months. I put my hand over my belly and pray. So how am I going to tell the guys? I have an idea. I head back into town and find the t-shirt shop I seen earlier and ask them to make me some shirts. Then head to the bakery for some buns.

When I get home I send the guys to the new place for some measurements on a few windows then set to work. I get the kids dressed and then myself. I lay the kids next to each other and cover up there shirts. I bribe Sig with a cookie to get him to chill. That child will do anything for food. Its a running joke in our house. When the guys walk in I wait for them to notice the kids thing one, two, and three three, and a tiny shirt over my belly with thing four on it.


I walk into the house and find Beth and the kids on the living room floor so I join them. One by one there shirts are revealed and it takes me a moment, hell i'm lying it takes me more then a few then I get it. Beth is pregnant. My mind goes to how in the hell are we going to do this, then I notice her tears. I pick her up and set her on my lap. Ano is stunned. I know he has figured it out but cant speak.

Montana moments Book 3- Boats and BabiesWhere stories live. Discover now