Andy and Lauren continue to explain the power they felt in the vault. They said they became one person, like they were looking through the same pair of eyes. Reed asks how they thought they could bring down a building. Lauren says Andy's power pulls things apart and she can put things together. Combined is like they could do whatever they wanted. Andy says they could have vaporized the wall. He tells Lauren that he wants to practice. He says they need to get better at it. Reed says they can't just go around using it. That kind of power can hurt people. Andy snaps back that they should just bury instead like Reed's father did. Reed says Andy can barely control his own powers. Andy gets mad and leaves. Lauren goes after him.

Andy thinks he's a freak because he likes his powers. Lauren says she didn't hate it. She has never felt so powerful and it scared her because it felt good. He asks Lauren if she remembered the first time it happened. He says that's all he could think about and that's why he started doing bad in school. Andy says all he wants to do is try it again. He asks if this means that they will be like the Von Struckers now. Lauren says she doesn't know.

Marcos talks to Lorna about her nightmare. Esme is nearby listening to them. Marcos asks if she is worried about the baby. She says she's worried about that underground is going to make it. Marcos says he will protect her and the baby. Lorna says that might not be enough. Esme interrupts them to tell them about her idea. Use the Strucker kids to cut the power.

Agent Turner calls his wife to let her know he will be working late. She's worried about him going to work so soon. He says he's doing it for justice for their daughter. She tells him to be save. Agent Weeks comes in to let him know that he got a team together, but its unauthorized. If it fails, the FBI will come after them.

Marcos ask the Struckers for their help to blow up the substation transformers. Reed and Caitlin have their concerns. Marcos says all of the mutants with combat experience will attack the lab. The substation has minimal guards and Sage will hack the security cameras. Clarice will blink everyone in and Sonia will guide them through. Lauren and Andy are in. Reed and Caitlin say okay, but they are going to monitor the security cameras.

John, Marcos, Lorna and Esme get in position to raid the laboratory. Esme almost drops a detonator. Lorna tells her everything will be crazy when the shooting starts. If she there because she thinks it will be some adventure then Esme is mistaken. Esme uses her power to see when Marcos got shot and Lorna was arrested. She uses that to sympathize with Lorna. Esme says she is so angry that her family is hurting. She would do anything to stop the pain. There are people she loves in that building and she can't leave them.

John and Marcos scope out the lab. Marcos says it would have been easy if Pulse was with them. John says he misses Pulse. Marcos says he does to. He tells John, he wasn't the only person who left Pulse behind. It's on all of them and now they get to make it up to them. John calls Reed to let them know they are in place.

The Struckers, Dreamer and Clarice go to the power station. Caitlin says this is a parents worst nightmare, but they are doing it because they trust Andy and Lauren. Sage hacks into the security cameras so they can see where they are going. Once inside, Reed and Caitlin will lead them through the power grid. Dreamer leads Clarice and the Struckers through the power station. They encounter one guard, but Dreamer uses her power to make him forget and walk away. They continue to look for the grid.

Sentinel Services doesn't find anything at Trask.  There are no irregularities. Turner asks about the lab employees. There is one security guard who called in sick. Turner says to look him up. He works at the power station. Turner knows that's where the mutants will hit first.  He tells Weeks to send a team into the power station. He knows this is it.

John goes over the plan with the others. Marcos says once they get in, they don't really know what they are doing or where they are going. That's why Esme is there. Esme says first they free the prisoners, then they destroy the mainframe and the research. Marcos asks if the prisoners will help them. Esme says they will.

Reed and Caitlin watch the cameras. Reed can feel Caitlin's worry. She asks how he got over his nerves. He says he focused on the plan. He reassures her that the kids are safe.

Sentinel Services gets to the power substation. Weeks isn't so sure that they will find anything. Turner says the mutants would take out the substation first before attacking the lab. And its more than a coincidence that the security guard from that substation is out sick. They send remote units into the building but find nothing. An agent finally finds something. Turner and his people move in.

Caitlin sees something crawl across a camera. She focuses in on that location and sees a Sentinel spider. She radios to Dreamer to get out of the building. Reed tells her there are robots an armed team in the building. Dreamer tells the others that Sentinel Services knows they are there. They run. Clarice doesn't know where she is so she can't open a portal. They see the Sentinel spider and Andy tries to tear it apart. It has been modified and adapts to Andy's power. Clarice tells them to run. The Sentinel Spider gets Clarice.

Caitlin and Reed watch as Sentinel Services descends on their kids. Caitlin freaks out and attempts to go after them. Reed holds her back and says there is nothing they can do. They can't help anyone if they get caught too.

The alarms sound and all of the guards run to the power station. John can hear them talk about mutants in the power grid. They have been founded. John says they have to abort. Esme doesn't want to leave. She thinks they can still get in and get her family. John picks her up and carries her away.

Dreamer, Andy, and Lauren come to a dead end. Dreamer says Sage gave her the codes to the doors. She opens the door and tells the kids to run. They scream for her, but she shuts the door. Dreamer is caught.

Andy and Lauren think this is the best time to try out their new powers. They grab hands and the power begin to grow. Andy lets go. He says if they continue, the building will fall and everyone will die. Turner and his team catch up to the kids. Andy and Lauren Strucker have been captured.

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