Chapter 15

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I asked a question for all of you about what should happen to Origin? 
a) get beat to a bloody pulp 
b) leave off with a good note

The result will be reveled later in the chapter 


'Forgive me'

A voice rang throughout the area.

Origin stopped his attack then turned to see something he wasn't planning onto.

Sabre, now with his left eye green and has blue/green wings, was holding an iron sword with Origin's minions around his feet.

"M-My dear"

"No, I not your dear, not anymore" Sabre said, the fire that the Steve thought he contained was burning brighter than ever.

"Welcome back Sabre" Lucas smiled.

"It's good to be back" Sabre smiled back and walk to his friends and family.

Origin could only watch as the small human walk towards the ones he was about to destroy. His queen, his oh so dear queen, chosing a pathetic human over him! Sabre offered a hand for Shark to take a hold of, but before the blue/brown eyed boy could take the offered hand, Sabre was pulled away.

"Sabre!" Shark scrambled to his feet along with everyone else.

"Let me go!" Sabre shouted as he struggled in Origin's hold.

Alex and Galaxy gasped when they seen Origin's eyes: his light blue eyes were bloody red. That meant that Origin was too far gone to be saved. Shark growled and was about to pulled out his sword only stop when he seen the insane Steve hold a sword up against his lily's neck. 

"Please don't hurt him!" Lucas begged, no longer did he have his wings or left eye was gold. The moment he seen his cousin in serious danger, he went back to his normal state.

Origin looked at Lucas in curious, "Why would I hurt my queen? I love him too much to hurt him"

Something in her brother's voice sent shievers down Alex's spine. Never had she heard Origin speak so dead in her life.

 "This isn't love!" Galaxy stated, "You're forcing Sabre to doing something he doesn't want to do!"

The now red eye Steve tightened his grip on Sabre making him whimper, "No, no, I'm not forcing him to do anything. I love him as much as he loves me. Isn't that right me dear?"

"N-No" Sabre gasped out, "I don't love you Origin! I never have and never will!"

"See!" Rain exclaimed, "Sabre doesn't love you so just let him go!"

"Be quiet" Origin's eyes glowed bright red.

Rain felt himself being levitated then thrown back right into the portal that Overseer and Purple went out from earlier. Boss tried to grab his rainbow friend, but he was too late. Since Galaxy and Alex were directly behind Rain, they were knocked back into the portal leaving Boss, Shark, Lucas, Sabre and Origin.

"Rain!" Boss shouted as Rain went through the portal then he turned to face Origin, "You're going to pay for hurting him!"

Sabre took this time for his advantage so he stomped on Origin's foot making the Steve loosen his grip on him, then Sabre ran over to Shark who pulled him behind him. Shark made sure that Sabre was hidden from Origin's line of sight. Shark and Boss held out their weapon while Lucas comfort his scared little cousin.

"My dear, why did you do that?" Origin asked and walked closer to the group only to stop when Boss shot a fireball near him.

"That was a warning shot, next time I won't miss" Boss warned.

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