Chapter 14

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This has about one or two more chapters left before this is done. I hope all of you enjoyed the ride.


Shark, Boss, Rain, Galaxy, Alex, Overseer, and Purple stared in shock as they watch Sabre ran into the arms of a manipulative son of a - I mean Origin. The Steve wrapped his arms around the brunette who buried his head in Origin's chest. Shark felt his heart break in two; his Sabre, his lily, chose Origin over him even after them being childhood friends then lovers.  

"I win" Origin smirk at the group.

Overseer stepped forward, " Sabre, please, Origin isn't a good guy he-"

"Stop" Sabre turned to everyone with tears eyes, "Please, just stop"

"He made his decision to stay with me so since I feel generous now, I'll give all of you a chance to leave before I destroy you"

Sabre look up to Origin with pleading grey eyes, "Please don't hurt them, I just want to go home"

Origin looked at Sabre with soft eyes, "I can't my dear, the reason I'm giving them this opportunity instead of destroying them where they stand is because of you."

A portal open behind the group, a portal that lead to Alex's home.

"We're not going to leave without Sabre!" Rain shouted.

"Yes you are, willing or not" Origin glared.

"Overseer, take Purple and go through the portal" Shark said.


"Do it"

Though he didn't understand, Overseer picked up Purple and went through the portal.

"Shark what are you doing?" Galaxy asked.

The human didn't answer, he kept his eye on Sabre who was cowering into Origin's chest. Slowly, Shark walk over to the duo.

"Sabre, please, don't you recongize me?" Shark took off his sunglasses to reveal his own brown eyes.

Sabre look at Shark with curiosity.

"Remember, we use to go up a hill that had flowers every where. We would stay there for hours and talk about any and everything"

"Stay away!" Origin growled, tightening his hold of Sabre who barely noticed.

"Remember, I would make flower crowns and put them on you. You loved them, especially when they were made out of-"

"Lily of the Valley" Sabre finished.

A smiled worked its way to Shark face while a frown developed on Origins.

"Yes, that's why I call you lily, you are my special flower."

"I said to stay away!" Origin shot a fireball at Shark sending him backwards.

Boss was able to catch Shark before he feel to the ground and the human manage to stay conscious, but he had burn marks on his exposed skin.

"Sharky!" Sabre cried out then his eyes widened.

"Sharky" Sabre mumbled.

"My dear?"

 "Andrew. Andrew!" Sabre started to thrash in Origin's hold screaming 'Andrew'.

"My dear, stop! What's got in to you?"

"That's it Sabre! Remember who I am, remember who you are, remember everything!" Shark encourage.

"Yes Sabre" Origin said, "Remember them, remember the betrayal that you went through from them, the pain, the heartbreak" And then the trump card, "The abandonment"

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