Questions (SMUT!!)

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Bucky Barnes x Reader


"Ah, fuck this shit!" you exclaimed, kicking the old, rusty metal door one last time before sitting down on the dusty ground, panting and leaning your back against the same door the was shut. You had been trying to get that door to open for the past 15 minutes, with no success. So you gave up, hoping that the team would be able to track you down and come and get you out of this stuffy room.

"You're trying in vain, doll. Save your energy, trust me," your mission partner said. And God knows how much you hated the sickly sweet tone he used on you.

"Funny you say that, Barnes. You're not even trying to get us out of here," you replied, sarcasm dripping from your words as you leaned your head back, closing your eyes as you were exhausted.

You and the team set out on a mission earlier. The plan was simple; get off the Jet, sneak into this hauntingly old, gigantic abandoned building, take down whoever was in there, search the place for anyone held captive, destroy the remains of whatever barbaric transactions were taking place there and leave. But when you all decided to split just so you could search the place better and faster because the place was huge. HUGE. And, that's when everything went to shit.

Steve, Nat and Clint were searching the east wing while you and Bucky were assigned to search the west wing, and the others explored the massive dungeons.

You and Bucky, despite sometimes being each other's nightmare, were a very high-powered duo. Nothing could go wrong when you both worked together because your strength and skills complimented each other's extremely well. But that was until the floor above you decided to collapse; trapping you in what seemed like an emergency panic room. Honestly, you only went in there because it seemed a little absurd when you thought about why someone would think of having a panic room in such a place.

So long story short, the floor above you collapsed for whatever reason and trapped you inside with Bucky and his annoying self. And you figured that the rest of the team were really far away because you could only hear static noises through the comms. You prayed to God that they found you as soon as possible.

"Guys? Anyone? Sam? Seriously, come and get me out of here. I don't wanna die in this horrible place, with Bucky of all people. God, come on, where are the Avengers when you need them?" you tried reaching out to anyone who would hear but all you got was more static noises and you let out a long, dramatic sigh. Then you heard Bucky who let out a chuckle.

"You're really dramatic you know that?" he asked, sitting down as well, his back against the wall facing you. The room was quite small so you were only approximately 10 feet away from each other.

"Is it dramatic to not wanna die in this awful place b-"you got cut off by a broken voice coming through the ear piece you had on.

"Hang on kid...heavy....we don'," was all it said. And you soon realized that the voice was Tony's.

"Tony? Tony can you hear me? Hello?" but you got no reply back. This time, even the static noise was gone.

Your face lit up when you heard that they were coming to get you, but did he just say a couple of hours? What the hell?

"At least now we know that they're coming. Looks like all that whining finally paid off, huh, doll?" Bucky said, looking at you dead in the eyes.

"Yeah, what are we gonna do for another couple of more hours?" you sighed, leaning tour head back against the door, once again making a little thud sound.

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