Shit. "I just wanted to go on a little walk to clear my head. I'm going back soon just wanted to drop in and get some writing done."

"Well the trailer park is on the way home so I'll drop you back so you don't get beaten or kidnapped by someone. Okay?"

Only if you knew.

"Okay. Thankyou" I stood up and walked out the diner into Alice's car.

After a while she spoke up.

"You know? I've never seen you cry. Not even when you were little. It shocks me a bit as I am normally the one making the child cry" She chuckles along with me while I give a few nods.

"Okay we're here" I checked infront of me and she was correct. We were at the trailer.

"Thankyou for driving me home. I'll see you soon" I said as I scurried out the car.

I fished out my key from my pocket and carefully unlocked the door. My dad seems to be in his bedroom because he isn't in the living room. So I lay down on the sofa and try to get in a painless position before drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

~1 year later~

I enter the trailer one hour past curfew. I hope to god dad is passed out drunk. I can't take another beating.

But of course I have no saviour and my wishes don't come true when I see him sitting at the kitchen table tapping his foor impatiently on the floor.

"Where the fuck have you been?!"

"I...was at s-school"

"Don't fucking lie to me boy?!" He says as he stands up and pins my against the trailer.

I clench my eyes shut. As I feel his hand restrict more around my throat. He punches me in the stomach then swings at my face. Then alternates between the two.

"SOMETIMES YOU JUST PISS ME OFF JUGHEAD!" He screams in my face. My legs are weak due to the lack of food, so when he realease his vice grip on my neck. I crumble to the ground.

His boot flies towards my stomach. I can feel wet on my forehead. All of the sudden I hear his belt unbuckle and fear engulfs my entire body. He's never done this before. He's never got this bad that he has belted me. I scream as the belt lashes down onto my back. I feel the leather slice throught my tender skin. After what felt like hours of torture he slowed and forced me up. He shoved his finger into my chest and spat at me.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE AND NEVER COME BACK. NEVER. And if you do. It'll make this look like walk in the park. Got it?" He said with a sinister grin shoving his finger into my chest again.

I nodded as a silent tears ran down my face. I picked up my school bag and fled out the door. My whole body felt drained. I couldn't stay at Pop's looking like this. I'm pretty sure he'd call the police. So I go to the one woman I can still trust.

Alice's PoV

I hear the bell ring at 6 o'clock and I walk to the door. I open the door catiously making sure it isn't a murderer. What I did not expect to see was Jughead Jones looking like he was about to die. And crying.

He throws his arms around me as he just holds me in a hug. Big heavy sobs are wracking his body. I go to rub his back but when I see strips of blood against the back of his flannel, I decide against it.

"Jughead, what happened?" I breathe in disbelief.

"I-I can't t-take it a-anymore. All h-he does is hurt m-me. Please don't m-make me l-l-leave" He stuttered making my heart break into pieces.

"How long has this been happening?"

I feel him tense and pull away. "It used to be the occasional slap or punch, but he's g-gotten so much worse."

I walk him to the couch and just cradle him in my arms as he cries. I slightly rock him. Only then can I feel how small he really has become. I feel his bones poke out.

"When was the last time you ate Jughead?"

"E-erm a couple of days ago. I went to go job hunting today. S-so i can afford my own food. I wasn't s-successful and I missed curfew because of it."

"Will you be ok here if I go make you something?" I asked knowing I was going to anyway.

"No Mrs. Cooper, it's fine. I just wanted to ask if I'd be able to s-stay here till I can get a job and work something out. I'll be out of you hair in a month or less" He mumbled out as he was getting worked up.

"Jughead you're 15. You don't need to be getting a job. You can stay here for as long as you'd like. So how about you go get washed up in the family bathroom and by the time you're done. Dinner will be ready. I'll also tell Betty to join us she'll be happy you're here"

His jaw was wide open.

"You mean it?" He said as a fresh set of tears welled up in his eyes.

"Yes. Now go have a nice shower" I laughed as he almost bounded up the stairs.

(A/N: Hiya! Sorry I had quite the big writer's block and that this is trash. But hope you all had a good holiday. Would you like to see a part 2 I have quite a couple ideas? Also thankyou so much for 6K reads, it means a lot. Love you all Xx💕💫)

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