Wielding a Fake

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surprise upload ;)

Update: please read additional notes at the end of the chapter to clarify things.

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8 years later


The Flame Pillar turned to look at you. Beaming you his signature smile he opened his arms as you ran towards him at full speed. Once he caught you, he twirled you in the air. The way his haori danced with the wind always made you happy.

"Long time no see, (N/N)!" Kyojuro said as he ruffled your hair causing your laughter to resonate with the other pillars.

"Shut up, you two! Fuckin early in the morning and ya'll are already bickering?" Sanemi, The Wind pillar complained as he walked past the two of you.

"My my! Rengoku-san. (L/N)-chan. It has indeed been quite some time since we last saw each other." Shinobu commented with her signature smile. Her violet eyes always captivated you.

Freeing yourself from Kyojuro, you ran to Shinobu and gave her a hug as well.

Looking around, you were looking for the Love Pillar.


"Ahh, she's on her way. I saw her eating at a ramen shop before arriving here." Shinobu replied while giving you a wink.

"Ramen... Kyo, let's get some ramen after this meeting!"

Giving you a wink, you couldn't wait for the meeting to be over.

Not a moment too soon, Matsuri appeared with her vibrant pink and green hair. As always you motioned her to refrain from running too much. The fear of her exposing too much was always worrisome for you. Brushing it off, she hugged you tightly with much more strength. You could've sworn she had male muscles.

Everyone was gathered around the Ubuyashiki household for a rather important meeting. Just as all of you had formed a line, the 97th leader of the Demon Corps showed up. His face was slowly rotting due to the curse bestowed upon him. Once again, you felt your heart pang at the site of an old friend in pain.

"My children. It is good to see you all."

Kneeling in unison with beaming smiles, you all greeted Ubuyashiki-sama.

"I am sure you are all wondering why I have assembled you at such short notice. That is because we have a new pillar joining us today."

The garden was filled with a bunch of emotions that seemed to amuse the cursed man. Using his Soothing Voice, each pillar felt calmer and gave him their full attention once more.

"Giyu Tomioka. The new Water Pillar."

Appearing from thin air, a tall man wearing a mismatched haori met you all. His eyes were sharp and befitting for a water pillar. From your angle, they seemed to be bluer than the depths of the ocean. His long messy hair was kept in a low ponytail. Whatever emotion he had, it was pretty well kept.

Giyu simply bowed.

"Tomioka-san will be staying at the water estate. (Y/N), please stand to further acquaint yourself."

Following orders, you stood up and gave the water pillar a smile. His eyes darted to you then back at the others. You couldn't help but scrunch your face a bit at his, somewhat, rude reaction.

Kneeling back down, you could only think of how things would turn out at the estate.

You see, unlike the Butterfly Estate, the Water Estate had no helpers running around. Though you were allowed to employ or accept volunteers, Urokodaki would scold and hit you with his wooden katana if you ever did so. He was a firm believer that if you can't keep the estate clean, you don't deserve to live there.

A Different Pillar (Tomioka Giyu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now