Chapter 1 - A Messy Desk Leads to a messy situation

Start from the beginning

'Rey I don't have all fucking day here, say what it is you want to say and then get out.'

A brief moment where she didn't see Ben as a total and utter ass and then that mouth of his had to ruin it.

'Your mother called.'

'Pass.' Ben said as he sat down at his large desk and frowned at some apparently displeasing papers. How he found anything on that pile of garbage he called a desk was beyond her. Ben refused to allow her to tidy it even though she had all but begged to be allowed to do so. It had gotten to the point that the dirty desk was haunting her very dreams.....Rey shook her head and got back to the matter at hand.

'Well I'm afraid I'm contractually obligated to pass on ALL of your messages not just the ones you feel like listening to Sir, so you will hear what I have to say, your mother called, she wants to know if you will meet her for lunch today?'


'Okay....she said you would say that, so she gave me permission to pick a date from your diary at random, I've chosen this Friday, I hope that works for you?'

'It doesn't.'

'Very good. Okay next item on the agenda is to reschedule your meeting with Mr Hux?'

'How about when hell freezes over?'

'I'm afraid that won't work for Mr Hux, how about next Tuesday?'

'How about never?'

'Next Tuesday it is! Well, well Sir, you are in a productive mood today aren't you! Shall I continue?'

Ben pinched the bridge of his nose.

'If you must continue can you at least do me the decency of bringing me a cup of coffee?'

'And what's the magic word?'


'Nope. Try again.'

'Please.' Ben said through gritted teeth.

'Now that wasn't so hard was it? I'll be right back with your coffee and the rest of your messages.' Rey said as she turned to leave the office.

'I'll wait with bated breath.' Ben replied.

Rey presses her lips together. She knew she shouldn't push him, but she couldn't help it. It was so much fun. She turned around to face him once more.

'Well if you would prefer Sir, you can get your own coffee?'

'You know I can't Rey. You know fine well that you are the only person capable of making me a decent cup of coffee.'

Rey put a hand on her chest, 'Sir! What a compliment! To suggest that I am more talented than a country full of plucky baristas! Why it's enough to bring a tear to my eye...'

Ben glared at her and stood up from his desk. He stalked towards her. Uh oh. Now she had done it. This time he was really mad. So why wasn't she scared? Instead she just felt....giddy.

'You know that isn't the reason Rey, the reason for your ability to make better coffee is because you have chosen to hide my special blend imported from Morocco and only you know the whereabouts of its secret location and I refuse to drink the slop this office calls coffee!'

'You really think I have the time to go around hiding coffee Sir? Berating you is a full time job you know.'

Ben towered over Rey.

'Tell me the location of my coffee!'' He demanded.

'Never. That coffee is my insurance policy. I plan to hold it ransom should you ever pluck up the courage to finally fire me.'

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