
Dome walked into Pavel's room after showering and looked around for Pavel. He noticed Pavel sitting in front of his computer with his headphones on as he talked to someone.

Dome sighed and carefully placed his dirty clothes in Pavel's dirty clothes. He laid on Pavel's bed and wrapped himself in the blankets that smelled like Pavel. He hid his face in Pavel's pillow and sighed, going into his thoughts.

"Alright, guys. I think I'm going to go ahead and go to sleep now." Pavel said and said his byes to the fans that had been watching him. He powered down his things before slowly walking to his bed where Dome laid, his back towards him. "Dome?" Dome hummed and turned over onto his back to look at Pavel. Pavel thought Dome was cute with how he was wrapped up like a burrito with his blankets.

"Are you fine with me sleeping here?" Dome asked as Pavel stared at him. Pavel smiled softly and sat beside Dome. He took his shirt off and turned off his lamp before laying back in the darkness.

"You're not leaving now." Pavel said. Dome rolled over and wrapped his arm around Pavel, startling the man.

"You may change your mind." Dome said softly and held Pavel tighter. Pavel was worried after that. Dome was always a hyper and out going person. Yeah, he had his moments. But Pavel could tell this was different.

"Why would I?" Pavel questioned and placed his hand on Dome's arm and his other wrapped around Dome's back. They were like they had been in the one scene they did where Forth was in the hospital.

"Because," Dome started and sighed, closing his eyes. "Because I like you." Pavel laid frozen. Dome went to move away but Pavel quickly sat up and hovered over Dome.

"What?" Pavel questioned and moved so his ear was towards Dome's mouth. He felt like he had totally misheard him.

"I... I like you." Dome repeated. Pavel sat up, still sitting above Dome.

"In what way?" Pavel questioned. Dome sighed in irritation. Pavel knew what he meant.

Pavel grabbed Dome's wrists and pinned them to the bed beside his head.

"Pavel?" Dome questioned hesitantly. Pavel was silent for a few seconds before he laughed happily and fell to the side, holding Dome tightly.

"I like you too." Pavel said. "My heart was racing earlier because of you." Pavel admitted. Dome chuckled.

"I kinda figured." Dome said. Pavel stood up from his bed and turned on the light again. He grabbed Dome's wrist and pulled him out of the bed. "What are you doing?" Dome asked with wide eyes, surprised at how Pavel reacted.

"Nothing bad." Pavel said and continued to carefully drag him to the kitchen where Pavel's mom was cooking. "He likes me too!" Pavel yelled and his mom jumped before she looked between the both of them in confusion before smiling widely. Dome was seriously confused at how Pavel reacted.

"That's awesome, sweetie!" she yelled and hugged them both tightly. Pavel smiled at Dome. "Now, sit, sit. Food is almost ready!" Pavel sat at the small table and made Dome sit in his lap.

"Pavel!" Dome hissed. Pavel only smiled and placed his chin on Dome's shoulder. Dome sighed and shook his head before looking around the kitchen. He looked over his shoulder and smiled at Pavel happily. Pavel smiled back and his grip loosened. Dome took that chance and forced himself out of Pavel's arms. Pavel frowned but Dome smiled and secretly kissed his cheek.

"No." Pavel said loudly, catching his mother's attention. "Here." Pavel pointed towards his lips. Dome chuckled awkwardly as he looked towards Pavel's mother that was now looking at them. She smiled playfully.

"Don't mind me." she said and looked away. Dome glared at Pavel before sitting across from Pavel.

"Fine." Pavel said and continued sulking for the rest of dinner.


"Come on." Dome said and crossed his arms over his chest at Pavel's stubbornness. Pavel grabbed a towel and walked out of the room. Dome sighed and closed his eyes. He laid down on the bed a sprawled out, waiting for the sulky man to return.

An hour later, Pavel returned. Dome had fallen asleep on the bed. Pavel smiled softly and moved Dome's right leg and arm before climbing in beside him. He turned off the light. He stared at Dome for a while before closing his eyes, ready for sleep. He felt Dome stir slightly before something soft was placed against his lips. He quickly opened his eyes to see Dome moving away and back to how he was sprawled out, his arm and leg laid out over Pavel. Pavel chuckled and wrapped his arms around Dome.

"Goodnight, Dome." Pavel whispered and kissed Dome's neck softly before laying his head right beside Dome's.

"Goodnight, Phoom." Dome whispered and grabbed Pavel's hand, interlocking their fingers. Pavel smiled happily. They both feel asleep like that and woke up beside one another in almost the same position.


You guys.. I finally updated this book! I hope you enjoyed this short story of PavelDome! Let me know what you think! If you want, that is..
Anyway, I hope all of you have been safe during this pandemic. Take care of yourselves!
Also, very sorry for any mistakes.

~ Aralina out! ❤✌🇺🇸

Month wrote: May
Day(s) of the month: 15,16
Year: 2020

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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BL Short Storiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें