Chapter 5: Forks High School

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Nico POV

My alarm clock felt the need to ring this morning even though I was already up. I don't understand technology. I was already up so why did it ring. Anyway I only got about one hour of sleep last night because of the nightmares that plague me. I stood up from the bed, and walked over to the mirror. Staring back at me were bloodshot brown eyes that held bags big enough for someone to shop at IKEA. There are red streaks going down my face from all the dried tears. I took it out on Percy when Bia died, but it was all my fault. If I hadn't been a terrible little brother she wouldn't have left to join the hunters, and I might have even had a little more time with her.

I changed out of my pajamas into some black skinny jeans, and a black hoodie with sleeves that went over my hands. I tried fixing my hair, and once I was satisfied with it, I walked into the bathroom to wash my face so you couldn't tell I'd been crying. I saw Thalia's concealer on the sink, and I figured 'why not', because the gods know nothing is gonna fix these bags without the help of concealer.

Once the bags were barely noticeable I headed downstairs to see Thalia already ready, and sitting on the couch. She looked at me as I came down, and I knew she fell for the concealer. I should be a makeup artist I covered everything so good. I went into the kitchen, and made some food for Percy because by the time he gets down here we're going to have rush out the door. A few seconds after I finished making some toast and a water bottle for him he came trudging down the stairs,as energetic as ever (note my sarcasm). I handed him his food as Thalia and I dragged him to the car. Paul was going to drive us to school because he already works there as the English teacher. After Percy took a sip of his water, he was more awake than ever, and he and Thalia shoved each other to get to the passenger seat. Paul saw my smirk, and he knew what I was going to do, so it didn't scare him when I shadow travelled to the passenger side. Thalia and Percy looked at me with their mouths hanging open, so I rolled down the window and said, "close your mouths before you catch flies." Percy deadpanned, and Thalia gave me a playful glare before they grudgingly sat in the backseat.

Percy smirked before saying, "I wanted to sit in the dam front." I said, "don't you dare." Thalia had a smirk identical to Percy's before she said, "let's go to the dam snack bar." "I want some dam french fries." "Lets get some dam t-shirts." "Look at that dam statue." And they kept going on and on till we got to school. As soon as I got out of the car I almost cried in relief because I didn't have to deal with them anymore. We headed to the office and a lady with red hair smiled at us before asking, "are you the new students." I put on my best innocent face before smiling and nodding. She cooed at me, and I almost broke down laughing right there. Dam I'm good. Stop it Nico, dam it! No, bad Nico! Don't give in to the dam puns! NO!

The lady behind the desk printed out a few papers before handing them to us, and I soon realized they were our schedules. She gave us each each a paper for our teachers to sign when we get to class, and she told us to bring it back when we get all their signatures. I had been practicing reading with my dyslexia so it wasn't too hard to figure out. When I saw the confusion on my cousins' faces, I dragged them out of the office to the library because school doesn't start for a good twenty minutes. I took both their schedules, and translated them into Greek, so they could read them.

"Thanks Neeks," they said at the same time with a smirk on their face. I gave them a halfhearted glare before we headed off to our first class of the day. I have history with Mrs. Jensen(just making up random names), but Thalia and Percy both have English with Paul. When I got into the classroom everyone stared at me except a boy who had blonde hair that went to his shoulders, gold eyes, and a pained smile. I immediately knew he was a vampire. I mean my dad did create them after all. One of my powers is being able to tell when someone is dead, and this kid certainly wasn't alive. I gave the slip to my teacher and she signed it while saying, "why don't you sit next to Mr. Hale...," she trailed off. "Nico," I finished for her. If the vampire wasn't paying attention before, he was now.

Conveniently, the only seat open was next to him so I assume he must be 'Mr. Hale'. I walked to the back, and sat down next to the vampire. I also have the power to know which powers they have. I knew he could sense emotions, and the scents were slowly overwhelming him. I looked at the top of his notebook and saw his name was Jasper. I quickly realized he was a vegetarian, and I could tell he was new to the diet, so I looked him in the eyes, and without anybody noticing, I placed my hand on his leg. His face instantly morphed into one of relief, and I could tell he was curious as to how I stopped him from sensing the others emotions, and smelling their blood.

       I gave him a reassuring smile so he knew I wasn't gonna tell anyone, and that made him relax even more. I think I just made a new friend.

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