King George x Spy! Reader

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Hey guys! This is my first fanfic, so be nice. If you have any suggestions or advice, I'd appreciate it a lot. Sorry this is so long, they won't all be this long. Thanks for reading.

You were sent on a mission to get Britain's battle plans along side Hercules Mulligan. It was a simple in and out mission. Nothing could go wrong.

Y/N's POV:
Hercules and I arrived at the King's castle, we had a simple mission. Get the plans and get back to camp. Sounds easy written on paper, but this would be difficult. Hercules knew exactly what to do, he had experience. I however, am new to this. You see, this is my first mission, and I'm almost positive I'll mess something up, but the thrill is what I live for.
"Y/N, remember what to do when we get in there?" Hercules asked me. I could tell he was concerned about me.
"Yep, now let's hurry! We can't keep his majesty waiting!" I laughed and dragged him inside. This was going to be terrifying, thrilling, and exciting all at the same time. Hercules chuckled as we entered through the big fancy doors.
The room was vibrant and big, very big. At the very front sat none other than the King himself upon his throne. I took a second to admire the room, it was truly beautiful. After about a minute, I spoke again.
"Ok Hercules, I'm going in, be ready." I stated as we started to separate. He nodded back at me and then I lost sight of him. 'Ok Y/N, no time like the present. LET'S DO THIS!' I thought to myself as I approached the stage and hopped onto it. I handed the band leader a handful of money and requested a song, they nodded their heads and waited for me. I took a deep breath and then spoke.
"Attention everyone, I'd like to dedicate this song to our lovely King George III. This one's for you, your majesty." I spoke as calmly and confidentially as I could. Everybody turned toward me, including the King. 'Here goes nothing' I thought right before I began to sing.

Hercules' POV:
Everything was going according to plan, Y/N had everyone distracted, while I slipped away to the King's office. I could hear Y/N singing in the distance as I walked down a long hallway, too bad I'd miss the performance. Maybe I'll get to hear her some other time, but now, I had a job to do.
I turned a corner and found myself in another hallway, but I heard someone approaching. I quickly hid in one of the rooms as I heard the steps depart. I let out a sigh of relief and got back to work. 'This appears to be his library, his office should be the next room over' I thought as I slipped out of the room as quietly as possible. The next thing I knew, I was in the office. 'Now to find those plans'

Y/N's POV:
I had finished the song and applause broke out through the entire room, I took a bow and looked up. That's when I noticed the King getting up and walking towards me. 'SHIT SHIT SHIT' I was terrified of what was to come.

King George III's POV:
I made my way over to the maiden who had just finished singing. I had to admit, she was amazing. Her words flowed like soft silk, her voice as beautiful as an angel's, she was incredibly talented, and she moved as gracefully as a peacock (remember, King George III is a little crazy, he had a thing with peacocks, so I implemented that into the story). As we drew closer to each other, I could feel my heart beating in my chest. I stood in front of her and she curtsied, then looked at me with her lovely E/C (eye color) orbs.
"Excuse me, but what might your name be?" I asked the woman in front of me. She looked a bit scared, but spoke calmly, and I heard that heavenly voice of hers.
"My name is Y/N sire." She replied. Y/N what a beautiful name for such a beautiful lady.
"What a lovely name. Miss Y/N, where did you learn to sing like that? I must say, your voice is truly magnificent!" I exclaimed. She blushed slightly and spoke again.
"Oh thank you your majesty. That means so much coming from you!" I could see a twinkling in her eyes, it was then that I realized, I wanted her, she was the one. I just knew it. Before I could speak again, a man approached and placed his hand on her shoulder.
"Y/N there you are! We must leave now, we don't want to be late." The man spoke. Who was this man? Who did he think he was to interrupt Y/N and I?
"Oh my, I almost forgot! My apologies your highness, but we must leave now." She curtsied before she got ready to walk away.
"Wait-" I exclaimed as I grabbed her arm. The sudden act startled her, but she soon relaxed and turned back to me.
"When will I see you again?" I asked. I had to speak to her again, I couldn't just sit by while my newfound love was being taken from me.
"I can't promise anytime soon, we leave tomorrow back to our hometown." She replied. My heart broke a little, and seeing the sad expression on her face, made it break more. She was tapped on the shoulder by the man who had interrupted us earlier, he tugged her arm a little and she began to leave in a hurry.
"I bid you farewell, your highness!" She called out to me as she speed walked through the crowd of people.
"Can we at least write to each other?" I asked as I chased after her. I wasn't ready to say goodbye yet, I had just met her.
She nodded back at me, the man dragging her didn't seem to notice, as they exited through the large doors. I stopped where I was standing and spoke to myself.
"Until then, my dearest."

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