one - beef jerky jerk

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Beef Jerky Jerk

September 1, 2014

     I rarely joke. In fact, I don't. I find saying anything remotely not true to just be funny, immature.

       I write a lot; as you can see.

It's not a diary. It's my thoughts. I don't understand thinking in my mind. I want to remember everything. Or else I will feel like a fail.

An epic one.

     I was born in Edmonton , Alberta.  Lots of swamps and grass. Not too much civilization in my certain area. But that is what I like about it. It's quiet.

Away from annoying fan-girls and sporty arrogant boys. Take away what makes everything bad and make it good. It works. Most of the time.

     This is my second journal. The first one got lost and is probably at the center of the earth by now. Tomorrow is shopping day. I hate shopping day. Because I do the shopping.

     But what can a guy do huh?

My point, exactly.

You can't change your future. God has every little thought planned. But sometimes people don't get that.  They don't get that everything has a plan.

I have a plan.

And nothing will get in my way.

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