Fucking Bitch

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17th of January

Myrren: VAL

Myrren: come collect the freaking dead body of of my porch

Valentine: kinda busy sis

Myrren: with WHAT?

Valentine: feeding

Valentine: and like you've never seen a corpse before

Myrren: I have, but it's not a pretty sight to behold

Valentine: I'll come pick it up at night, I have 3 other bodies I have to pick up

Myrren: VAL! Control your mass murder instinct

Valentine: what, they're just humans

Myrren: I feed off of humans but they still get to live -_-

Valentine: aren't you feeding of of Sterling?

Myrren: him too

Valentine: aight, isn't that cheating though?

Myrren: no, I don't want to fucking kill him psycho

Valentine: aight, you be you I'll be me. Okay?

Myrren: one day you're gonna get yourself killed by a vampire hunter

Valentine: I'm a half god Myrren, I'm very hard to kill

Myrren: everything is killable

Valentine: *snorts* yeah right

Sterling: you must be happy that I'm dating your sister or else I would've killed you

Valentine: oh how scared I am, my legs are trembling

Myrren: Val, behave

Valentine: yes mom :)

Myrren: now come get rid of that corpse or I'll make sure you'll be hanged

Valentine: won't kill me!

Myrren: shut up or I'll kill you myself

Valentine: you're no fun

Valentine: I'll be there in 3 min

Myrren: you better

Sterling: so you talked it out?

Myrren: yeah, offered him some prized blood of mine but over all we're fine

Valentine: I will treasure it deeply

Myrren: you keep busy getting that corpse of my porch, and get rid of the blood please

Valentine: you're talking like Maeve

Myrren: luckily I'm not your foster mom so keep going

Valentine: you in your period or something?


Valentine: yes mom

Sterling: you guys are weird, why am I dating you again?

Myrren: because you love me :)

Myrren: now shut up and keep out of my family manners

Sterling: k

Myrren: don't "k" me

Sterling: fine, fine I'm sorry!

Myrren: Val how far are you

Valentine: just finished chopping it!

Myrren: please say you didn't chop the body in half on my porch

Valentine: no worries! I'll get rid of the blood when I'm done!

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