Episode 5 - Fear Forever: Part One

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Warnings: I don't own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show "Charmed" or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.

15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.

Drake found himself more confused than ever before as he awoke in his old bed in his old room within the his former family room left horrified to discover the room is on fire as he quickly jumped out of his bed beginning to cough frantically as sm...

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Drake found himself more confused than ever before as he awoke in his old bed in his old room within the his former family room left horrified to discover the room is on fire as he quickly jumped out of his bed beginning to cough frantically as smoke from the flames began filling his lungs.

"Drake!" His parents shouted from another room within the house as Drake rushed to his bedroom door.

"Mum," Drake screamed as he found his bedroom door's handle too hot to touch. "Dad!"

"Save us Drake." He heard them shout while he began throwing himself against his bedroom door desperately trying to break it down as the smoke inhalation caused him to cough more and more.

"Mum, dad." Drake repeated as he fell to the floor.

Suddenly Drake woke up in his own bed in his own apartment sweating from what he realized was a tormented nightmare version of a tragic memory.

He quickly climbed out of bed and began walking out of his bedroom and towards the kitchen as he poured himself a glass of water from a bottle of water in the fridge as he tried to recover from his recent nightmare.

"Why didn't you save us?" Drake suddenly heard his mother say causing him to drop his glass of water which smashed on the floor instantly.

Drake began looking around for signs of his mother only to see the television in his living room catch fire before the fire quickly spread across the entire room as Drake remained paralyzed in fear.

The flames quickly engulfed the living room/kitchen combo of Drake's apartment as Drake remained frozen in fear until Quinn orbed into his apartment.

"Drake we need to get you out of here now!" Quinn told Drake as he rushed over to his charge noticing Drake was frozen in fear before grabbing a hold of him and orbing out of Drake's burning apartment.

"Damn white lighters are always getting in the way of some good old-fashioned fun." Barba moaned after shimmering into the burning apartment. "Good for me even the dead have fears to manipulate."

Drake was sat at the table within the dining area of the Halliwell Manor clearly quite shaking by his recent ordeal as Quinn stood beside him rubbing his back to try and comfort his clearly troubled charge.

"Not that it's not nice to see you starting to visit us more but it's a bit early." Pan said as she walked into the dining room before noticing Drake's traumatized state. "Drake, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Drake struggled to say, his body still trembling with fear.

"It wasn't nothing Drake you almost burned alive in your apartment." Quinn told Drake as Drake stood up still trembling.

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