While there were concerns and many flaws to the plan the other officers knew that it was the plan most likely to work and so it was set into motion.

-Line Break-

Peter sat down on the pavement, his eyes following the busy people of New York that scuffled along with their day. He glanced to his bag and shook his head, deciding that he was in the mood to eat the snacks within at that moment.

He took out his phone and started to scroll through his Instagram in order to keep himself entertained.

"Hey kid, shouldn't you be at school?"

Peter's head snapped up to look at the man that had just spoken. The guy looked normal enough, what with his business-casual jeans and button up shirt.

Peter gave the guy a small lopsided grin. "Yeah, but I'm bunking. You know how it is, what with the teachers and all."

The man laughed lightly and if Peter hadn't been looking for the force behind it he would've thought it to be sincere. "Yeah, school's a drag from what I remember. Don't worry I won't bust you, in fact you want to come to my apartment? It's much more comfortable than the pavement."

Peter didn't even hesitate in agreeing.

-Line Break-

"Chief, we just lost signal of Peter's tracker."

Every officer in the office at the time's head snapped to look at Officer Morales with wide eyes.

"Where's Officer Jacobs?" the man asked looking unconcerned.

"Sir, Peter-"

"Where is Officer Jacobs?" Morales pressed.

The officers all exchanged glances until Nina Lopez spoke up. "He said he had business to attend to, he left about thirty minutes ago."

"I want you to track his phone immediately."

"But Peter -"

"Immediately," the officer growled.

-Line Break-

"NYPD! Get on your knees and put your hands where I can see them!"

Officer Morales and his team entered the room guns raised.

The people in the room immediately did as told, all but one who held a gun pointed at a hostage in a chair.

"If you shoot your little spy gets lead implanted into his skull," the man snarled in a thick Russian accent. The officers all hesitated in their movements. "Good, now put down your guns." The guns didn't lower. "NOW!" The man screamed pushing the gun further in Peter's skull.

The boy winced at the sudden forcefulness but quickly got over the pain and shook his head at the officers, indicating that they shouldn't put down their weapons. The Parker boy sighed internally as he saw that they put down the weapons anyway.

"Good boys," the man cooed as if the officers were dogs. "Now I want you all to sit."

Officer Morales frowned, as did his team but a small glance to Peter tied to a chair quickly had them doing as told.

"Very well done, now your little toy here will live. That is as long as you let me and my colleagues g-"

His words were cut off by a reverse headbut from Peter. Before any of the officers could react, the criminals, all assumed to be traffickers, attacked Peter. It didn't seem to affect the Parker boy. The way he fought, even tied to a chair, looked as if he were dancing a dance that he had been training to do all his life.

The man who had held a gun to his head regained his bearings as Peter fought and ran to get away but it wasn't as easy as he thought it to be as Peter moved to flip his chair and broke it on the guy's back.

Now that the chair was broken and his hands were only bound together he could move to snap the rope

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Now that the chair was broken and his hands were only bound together he could move to snap the rope. Free from his bonds and his captors all taken down, Peter looked to the officers.

"I probably have a lot of explaining to do."

-Line Break-

"So you caught Jacobs at the main base by tracking his phone?"

"Yes. Now that we've answered all your questions it's time you answer our," Officer Morales told him. Peter had spent the last 20 minutes finding out what had occurred while he had been kidnapped.

"Alright," Peter agreed hesitantly.

"Who taught you how to fight like that?" The officer asked.

"A mix of different people, Aunt Natasha being the main one."

"Why did they teach you to fight in such a manner?"

"Well I get into quite a bit of trouble what with working for Mr Stark."

"Mr Stark? As in Tony Stark? You work for him?" Morales asked in surprise.

"Yeah, um... well - you see, I'm kinda sorta Spider-Man," Peter mumbled.




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