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I slowly wake up, registering how close I am to...shit, Alex. I try to move away but his grip tightens, pulling me closer.

"Very cute, Alex but you and I both know you hate me and you'll regret this." I mumble quietly but can't help but notice the small freckles showing through the pale foundation he wears that wiped off partially.

He stays asleep as I move away carefully. "The least I can do is make breakfast for him."

Once I get up he curls up, holding onto the pillow I had slept on and I smile, shaking my head. He's adorable.

I walk into the kitchen and start making pancakes after spending ten minutes looking for everything. As I finish up and start washing the dishes I sing quietly to myself then quickly stop when I hear footsteps.

"Tyler? Are you still here?"

"Yea I'm in the kitchen. I made you breakfast to thank you."

He walks in and sits at the counter. "You didn't have to but thanks. Are you feeling better? I'm pretty sure with your healing rate your ribs should only be a bit sore."

"Yea I'm definitely feeling better. Bruises gone, scratches healed, the whole nine yards."

"Hold up, I seem to recall those were more than scratches. You had a couple full out gashes."

I shrug and hand him a plate with pancakes. "Not like it matters. They're healed so it's fine."

He sighs. "Really, Tyler? That's not exactly the best way to look at it."

"It's fine Alex, just eat your food." I grab a pancake and take a bite out of it and he rolls his eyes before starting on his food.

After we finish eating I finish the dishes and he puts away the leftovers. As he closes the fridge I start humming quietly. He hops into the counter and I finish with the last dish before hopping up next to him.

He speaks up after a couple of minutes of silence. "That was really good, thank you."

"No problem, Alex. It was just my way of saying thank you for helping me."

"Well like I said, I'm not cruel."

"You're just nice." I say through fake coughs causing him to roll his eyes.

"Not nice." He mumbles and I laugh.

"Yup and we're totally enemies." I say sarcastically but he nods and I playfully glare at him.

"We are, Tyler. It's what the whole city says."

"The whole city's stupid." I mutter and he laughs this absolutely....adorable laugh, I swear it makes the room actually light up more.

As I start to zone out, lost in my thoughts caused by the adorable boys laughter, he lightly tugs on my sleeve to get my attention.

"There's someone at the door who wants to talk to you."

When did he get up and go to the door?
Was I spaced out that long?
Does he have a power where he can see through things?
....If he can see through things can he see through-

My thoughts get cut off by him pulling on my sleeve again. "Tyler?"

"Sorry, just lost in thought." I hop off the counter and head towards the door but get stopped by him grabbing my hand gently, like he's scared to touch me.

"Tyler its Jameson"

My eyes widen and my breathing quickens. He can't be here, he kicked me out, how does he know where I am? Why does he want to talk to me? Does he want me back? Does he want to apologize? What if he just wants to-

My thoughts get cut off again. "I can tell him to leave if you don't want to talk to him."

I find myself nodding despite another part of my brain telling me there's something wrong with it. As Alex walks off to talk to Jameson I find myself thinking one thing.

Gods I hope he doesn't hurt Alex

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