With a flash, Anyanka was gone.

The two didn't hesitate to run towards the Seer's car and get in.

A few minutes later, they walked in to see Willow throw Anya practically through a wall and it caved in on her.

Cordelia stepped forward.

"Xan, get the guys out of here. I'll do the rest."

She faced the witch.

"PTB, here my call! Help me! Give me Power to face her! Help your Seer!"

Electricity surged through the Drama Queen, as Power was given to her.

"Now where were we?" Cordy said.

Willow through magic at her.

Cordy did the same. It was weakening both of them, but Cordy kept on, still standing. It was worst for Wills. Wills was the one that drew back first. Cordy did likewise. She watched the witch disappear in a cloud of smoke.

Despite her loss of strength, the Drama Queen ran towards the fallen wall and quickly unburied the Vengeance Demon. She saw that she was hurt. There was a wound right on her abdomen, extending towards her left side. Also, there was blood down both sides of her head.


The Vengeance Demon tried to lift her head, but she couldn't. She was in so much pain that she could barely move.

Andrew came up behind her.

"Is she okay?"

"She's hurt."

"How bad?"

"She's bleeding from her abdomen, side, and head. It's bad. I need a first-aid kit. I can't help her without it." She looked up. "I need you to carry her to the backseat of the car."

She stood up.

He picked Anyanka gently up and carried her, Cordelia behind him.

"Anya," Xander said, seeing them come out.

He got out of the car. When he did, his Secret Eyes through the keys at him.

"Buffy's house. Now. We need safety and I need a first-aid kit so I can take care of her."

Xander immediately got in and started the engine.

Cor opened the door to the backseat.

"Jonathan, I need you to please go to the front."

He scrambled out to obey her.

She shook her head.

She spoke to Andrew.

"Lay her down. I'll get in on that side and you get in on this side. Agreed?"



He obeyed her and they got in. Cor put her head in her lap and Andrew set her legs on his lap.

As the Zeppo drove, Cor felt her left wrist.

"Anya, if you can hear me, you're going to be okay. I'll take care of you and get Willow back on the good side."

Ten minutes later, Xander got her in and on the couch gently.

Cor stood by her head.

She looked down at her and gently stroked her hair.

"Xan, get the kit. Everyone else, stay in here," she ordered, still looking down at her.

Xander came back with it.

"Hold it while I take care of her."

He did as he was told, while the guys stood by the TV and watched.

"You do this often?" her ex asked.

"Ya. I do. But it's normally a vampire or human. Not a Vengeance Demon," she replied as she stopped her abdomen from bleeding with a piece of gauze. She did the same with her side.

"What's happening?"

"I think her wounds are healing," she answered her ex.

"Vengeance Demons heal?"


"Why wasn't I informed before now?"

"Maybe she thought she would never get this injured," she answered him, as she stopped her head from bleeding.

After a minute, her head healed.

"She should be waking up now, right?" he questioned.

"Xan, I don't know much about how Vengeance Demons die or anything like that. It depends on if there was any head trauma inside," she informed him.

Anyanka woke up at that moment.

"Welcome back," Cordy greeted.


Anyanka got up and hugged Cor, whom hugged right back.

After letting go, Anyanka and Xan hugged.

"Cor?" Xander said, seeing her walk towards the door.

The couple let go.

Willow walked in.

"Oh my God," Jonathan said.

"She's gonna kill us," Andrew said.

"Not with Queen C around," Xander assured them with a smile.

The former Queen C faced her opponent.

"Wills, please stop this. You're hurting. The pain and grief is too much. I understand that. But to give in to the dark, evil magic...this isn't like you. Somewhere inside you're still in there."

Suddenly, Willow fell to her knees and cried. Cordelia knelt by her and hugged her in comfort. Willow's eyes, hair, and clothes were back to normal.

As she cried and they hugged, the former Cordette spoke soothing words that from a distance, the four onlookers couldn't hear.

The next day, they all attended Buffy and Tara's funeral. As they covered Buffy's casket, Cor hugged Dawn in comfort, her own eyes filling with tears.

At the end of the funeral, she left to go back to LA. She looked back at them before she left, and then she drove home.

Cander (Cordy/Xander)Where stories live. Discover now