Lover's Walk (4th revised version; Willow and Cordelia's POV)

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Summary: What if Spike had captured Willow and Cordelia, instead of Willow and Xander? Read to find out what happens.


It's a dark night, as Cordelia and I walk into the lab room in Sunnydale High. We're supposed to meet everyone here so we can go bowling. I turn on the light. Cordelia starts forward towards a bowl on a table.

"What's that?" she asks me.

"Uh, nothing. It's nothing."

"Nothing? It's something when you start talking like that."

She reads the title of the book.

"Magic again?"

"Okay. You got me. I was going to do a spell to get rid of these feelings."

She raises an eyebrow at me.

"What feelings?"

"Xander and I realized bowling is a very bad idea. Our feelings are changing. I still love Oz, though. And I'm sure he still loves you. To keep us from doing something we'll regret later, I was going to do an anti-love spell. I didn't want anyone to know. Xander doesn't even know I was going to do the spell."

"So if I have this right, you two are falling for each other. You want to get rid of that feeling you guys have for each other."

"Yeah. That's right."

"Do the spell. I'll keep out of the way."

Cordelia stands by a table a foot away, while I do the spell.

A few minutes later, when I'm finished, we stand by each other.

"Thanks for letting me do it."

"Don't mention it. I just hope it worked."

"Me, too."

Just then, the door opens to reveal Spike. "You don't mind if I borrow the girl do you?" he asks Cordelia.

"Go the hell away," she orders him.

"That doesn't work for my kind."

"Yeah. I know it."

He grabs my arm, but Cordelia walks up to him and holds a cross up, making him back off a few paces.

"Let her go. I mean it," she orders with venom, staring him down with her Queen C glare.

He throws me against a wall.

"Will!" she calls out to me.

Spike grabs Cordy's wrist in a firm grip, making her drop the cross. He then throws her. I see her roll and hit a wall before everything goes black.

I come to to see that I'm in the old burnt out factory. Spike is there. I nervously sit on the edge of the bed, fidgeting with my hands. He dumps a box of supplies on the bed.

"A spell. For me. You're going to do a spell for me."

"Um, what kind of spell?"

"A *love* spell! Are you brain dead?"

He goes to the dresser.

"I'm going to get what's mine." He grabs a bottle. "What's mine." He uncorks it. "Teach her to walk out on me." He takes several good swallows. He looks over at me. "What are you staring at?"

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