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I sling my backpack off my shoulder an set it on the bottom bunk closest to the door on the left. A small white boy puts his suit case on the bunk above mine. 

"What's your name?" He asks

"My name is Judah, and yours?"

"Caleb, say how old are you?"

"I'm thirteen."

"Me too! How did you get in?"

"How did you get in?" I said sidestepping the question and playing on his ego, sure enough it worked.

"My dad was an Olympic swimmer so I started swimming, and it was fun! Then one of the academy's scout's gave my dad a call and asked if I would go to the academy, granted I had to pass the tests first. But they were easy! And my dad is now paying for me to be up here.That's enough about me, but how did you get here?"

I didn't wan't to lie to this kid so I told him the truth "Well you see..." I was cut off because suddenly a bell rang. 

It was time for lunch.

The space scholarshipHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin