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"Stan, are you ready to get out yet?" Richie moaned, waiting for me to step out of the stall. "I can't believe you skipped fifteen minutes of class to hide in here. Don't worry though, I told Mr. Bigman that you had a stomach problem."

"I'm building up my strength to take him like a man and to tell at him to leave me alone before I end up with a black eye."

"It's Bev, can't you hide somewhere that doesn't smell so bad?" She requested, probably wafting the air with her hand.

"I think I'm ready, I'm ready to tell him off." I nervously said, walking out the stall.

"Don't worry, we'll be right behind you. If it makes you feel any better we can throw Richie at Bill and run." Mike amused, walking out the bathroom with the rest of us.

"Stan!" Bill called out, jogging over.

Oh shit, oh shit.

"Fuck off Bill!" I spat, he stopped walking and the losers gaped at me. Did I just say that? Oh my god, he's gonna kill me and leave me in the sewers. I'm not ready to become a corpse.

"Go Stan! That's my friend!" Richie began to clap before our short friend shut him up.

"L-let me talk to you...alone. Please?" He pleaded, walking over to grab my wrist tightly.

His face softens and I give in. I examined his blue eyes and the sincerity in his expression. "Fine." I sighed. His eyes lit up as he pulled me away from the losers.

"L-look, I kinda have..." He hesitated and bit his lip.

"Bad grades, I really n-need help in m-math."

"I'm no genius, you should ask Eddie. Or Mike." I said, ready to walk away.

"Hey, I c-can't. Richie would t-tag along and d-distract him. And Mike struggles in m-math too. He s-sits infront of me." He sheepishly scratched his neck, still holding onto my wrist but not as tight as before.

"Will I get paid? Ten bucks an hour?" I proposed. A wide grin appeared as he gave me a quick hug.

"Sure, thanks Stanley, I'll swing b-by your locker afters-s-school tomorrow. I have to g-go, bye." I smiled back as he let go of my wrist and ran off.

He's not so bad. I thought to myself.

I confidently walked back to where I left the losers. Richie was crouching in a garbage can while Mike was putting the lid on.

"Eddie Spaghetti, you should join me in here. It's very cozy." Richie encouraged before being rolled down the hall.

"Do you have any idea how many germs are in there." Eddie gagged, leaning over, overwhelmed by the thought of all the bacterias dancing in one trash can.

"Ow my apples and oranges!" Richie yelped, popping his head out the can.

"Oh, Stan! Did you beat him into a pulp?" Richie grinned, jumping out the garbage.

"He actually just wanted a math tutor." I informed the group who then shared a confused look.

"Uh, what?" Mike raised his eyebrow, walking around me.

"He's not blackmailing you or anything?" Ben worried, also beginning to circle me.

"No, he just said he needed a tutor and was gonna meet me at my locker tomorrow afternoon."

As usual Richie distracted his friend the germ-a-phobe by trying to embrace him. "You were just in the trash, Rich. Don't touch-don't fucking touch me!" Eddie shrieked, running away from Richie and behind me instead.

"Kay, lovebirds it's time to settle down." Bev sang as we began walking outside.

"Isn't that-Billiam!" Richie called out to the boy leaning forward with his hand over his lip. Bill and Richie were good friends, they had afew classes together and shared the common hatred of staying afterschool alot.

Rich always missed due dates and he got forced to stay afterschool and Bill gets detention or is forced to do clean up duty alot.

The group walked over to the boy sitting down on the edge of the sidewalk.

He lifted his hand to reveal his busted lip. "Did you get in another fight?" Richie asked, examining his lip.

"No, I just t-t-thruh-tripped and landed on my face wh-while I was biting my lip."

"I g-gotta run, by everyone. Stan." He awkwardly smiled before sprinting down the street.

Lawn boy || Stenbrough || Completed ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora