CHAPTER 12: Them

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Life have been so good living with my bestfriend, Esther keeps popping up and sometimes unannounced but i am thankful she didn't try to provoke me, she was a bit nice all the time which I appriciate so much , but she still is not my type and I still think she is not good enough for Max.

It's been two weeks and nothing have really changed, it's really is nice having this freedom and having someone to laugh with. I have healed completely physically from the accident and I was starting to forget about all that have happend in my life and to be honest I do care anymore or maybe that is what I am telling myself.

It was Saturday and I didn't  have plans in the morning so I  slept till almost ten in the moring and waking up, I found Esther and Max in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Good moring bestfriend ?" Max greeted me in a cheerful voice as I enter the kitchen.

"Morning bestfriend " I reply "Hey Esther "I greet her passing by opening the freezer taking an Apple.
"What's up with him ?" I nudge Esther pointing at Max who was grinning from ear to ear.

"Are you two girls gossiping about me?" He say and we laugh with Esther.
" Really now ? is that all that comes to your mind ? Anyways why are you so happy today ?" I ask while sitting on the kitchen stool facing them
" Because we are going shopping !" He sound so excited which I find funny for a guy to be excited about shopping.
"Thats nice, oh did you say we like I am included ?" I ask pointing myself

"Yes Esther thought it will be a good idea for you to have some fun and time out you have not been out since you came here exept for going to campus." He say and I got it  he is right I have been in doors the whole time and I think it will be nice to use some shoppings.

" I would love to , but my budget is really tight and plus I dont really need anything right now" I say looking downward he knows well that I dont have enough money I am really surviving hard right now.

"Well then I was not planning on you to spend your money , so its all on me" He say with a smile on his face

"Not a chance I mean you have done soo much for me already and I cant take you spending money on me again just for fun, I am sorry but I can't go." I reply with a sad smile I wish I could and I really want to go but I just can't take advantage  of him he has done alot for me  already  and I don't want to look like I depend on him.

"I told you Esther  she wouldn't like the idea" he say and walk away to his bedroom and I was just standing there  not knowing what to do he looks  hurt and disappointed.

"Someone is trying really hard here to help you break that wall that you have build around yourself thinking that you are fine, but every one knows that you are hurting and you need to get out of you comfort zone and forget that you have problems just to enjoy life for once, but still you ignore people who are around you, people who truly care about you, just because you are going through something does not mean people around you do not matter at all, you are so unbelievable Tina that is your best friend that you are hurting each and everyday just by looking at you going through all that shit in life, you know what? Whatever we are so done trying to make you feel better and so done feeling sympathy  for you , now just deal with your life on your own my boyfriend and I are out." She let out a deep breath and glance at me one last time before she disappears to their bedroom.

A drop of water touches my chin , no wait that was not water I was crying silently  and unknowingly. I wiped  my tears away and rush to my room, I put on some jeans , a shirt and went out of the house I have been walking around the neighborhood  and decided to go in town just to clear my mind.
I just dont want to be a charity case on anyone I appreciate  them trying to help me but I don't need their pity. I took a cab to town and my first stop was at the library , I like the library  here it has tons of novels that I can read  and just clear my mind.
After a while of scanning through the books I found two interesting romance novels, I borrowed them and  went out. Then I went for window  shopping, after a while I remember  that we don't have enough  grocery at home so I went in a grocery store to take some at home I took my trolley  and start pushing it to where there are vegetables.

I took some potatoes and then there  is only one cabbage why don't they have cabbages this days they are really few,  then I hurry and reach for it and someone just did the same time as me, then I look up to see,  Alma and Peter pushing a trolley coming our way. Seeing them after all this time I just froze on my position one hand on my trolley and the other on the cabbage. I miss both of them, I wish things didn't end the way they did. I take a good look at Peter he looks a bit thin , I mean he just looks different from how I knew him. Then Alma was here killing me with her eyes I almost laughed but suppressed my laugh with a smile, then Alma let go of the cabbage and I took it.

" I miss you , both of you " I didn't know how I said it, but I just opened my mouth and words come out like that .
Peter look at me with dad eyes but Alma was disgusted and she is just giving me wired eyes

" Why can't you just leave us alone will you ?" Alma said and she don't look to well either , I feel sorry for both of them but what else can I do ?

" Lets go babe " Alma hold Peter's hand and push their trolley in the other direction, oops that hurts  .

What have happened to us we use to be friend that I never thought we will ever separate not even this way, we where best buddies but now we can't even look at each other it obvious  she don't want me in her life anymore, it's like we are stragers or enemies, I have been standing here like a status for like five minutes then I realize that I have some shopping to do.

I started pushing my trolley around putting in what ever is needed at home, milk, I need milk for my cereal I started moving to the milk direction but I heard Alma's voice and it was clear she is upset,

" I told you to play around with her and just mess with her heart but it is so obvious you fell in love with her and it clearly in your eyes that you still love her " she was being loud enough for someone far to here

I feel so hurt every time I think about everything that have happened and now that I am reminded  about it it hurt more

" She is a good person Alma at least she is not like you she handle herself as a normal person not like you, just look just looking for fights out of no where" at least Peter still on my side but why he did that to me , I still can't understand why

" Why are you always on her side? Why is she always seen as an angle by every one? Ha ? It pain me so much seeing her succeeding in everything she does , that bitch "I couldn't take it anymore I took my bottle of milk and pay for my things with tears threatening  out of my eyes I want to cry so much and just bury my self under my blanket.

When I got home I pack everything where it is suppose to be and heard to my bedroom and lock it and cry my self to sleep , what a life I have .

Life after himNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ