CHAPTER 1 ; Betrayals

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Why won't he pick up his phone up? I thought to myself

Its been two weeks now, when things started falling apart we have been dating for three months, but he started acting weird recently, I think I have clue about it, pictures that I found in his phone and confronted him, but he told me he hooked up once with the girl after he got betrayed by his best friend, who slept with his girlfriend that he was in love with soo much, that is why he is not found of Alma my bestfriend, he even ask me not to tell her about us, but I didn't see why though, Alma and I have known each other for like forever, my mother and her dad went to the same university and happen to be friends since then.

I have been calling Peter since last night but he is not picking up, maybe he is mad at me for asking about the pictures but who wouldn't do that if they find pictures of their boyfriend and another girl in bed kissing? But I just did the right thing right? I have the right to know because I am his girlfriend.

I pick my phone and call him one last time before heading straight to his apartment, I want to know why he has been ignoring, when I reach his apartment, TV was on I can hear it from outside, I knock on the door, there was no answer and the door is locked, I have the key to his place so I open the door and let my self in. TV was on but there is no one watching it, I keep on walking to the kitchen then I hear her laughter followed by Peter's voice.

"Tina must not know this please, you know I love her right and I don't want her heart to get broken because of this" it was his voice coming from his bedroom I just stood there thinking what could they be talking about.

"You know I really do not care if she happen to know, I am so sick of her sometimes just full of her self and always get the good things , just like she got you" Alma said with a laugh, Are they talking about me, my boyfriend and my bestfriend ? do they have something going on? this is not real, am I dreaming or something? I thought to myself

" Don't worry, you know I love you but I just like her better" he said

" What do you see in her anyways, aarrgg I so tired of her" my bestfriend said

Before I knew it I am walking out of Peter's apartment " I am just imagining things, Peter will never do such a thing to me we love each other so much" I tell myself and keep walking home after but a few blocks away I remember that I have left my phone on the kitchen counter in Peter's place.

I hurried in and grab my phone but before I turn to go I hear a funny sound coming from his bedroom

"oooh my God Peter its so good, ooh please go faster, yes, yes, yes " I couldn't wait any longer I bust the door open, just to relive Alma riding on my boyfriend I couldn't believe my eyes.

"What the hell is happening here" I ask looking at them while they just froze in their position

" Babe I... I thought you went to school" he said covering his face with his hands.

Alma just rode of and gave me an evil laugh " what is happening here is what usually happens here when you are not here" she say and smile to me.

" WOW are you not suppose to be my bestfriend ? and that is my boyfriend last time I checked" I was surprised by her choice of words, why on earth does she have to say that? " how can you do that to me Alma how?" Tear were now rolling down my cheeks I am more confuse then ever. I am stunned and do not even know what to do or to say here.

"I can explain Tina its not what it looks like I .. I didn't..." he says coming in front of me, before he could finish talking I slap him hard in the face, he look at me with sad eyes but I couldn't care less with what he is feeling because he should have considered that before doing this.

"So you even have the guts to say that? really now? so it does not look like I caught my boyfriend and my so called bestfriend here having sex in his bed or what ? or what Peter?" I shout to the top of my lungs I am so furious and so disgusted how can they do this to me "Tell me, what have I ever done to you to deserve this type of treatment from you Peter what?" tears were now just falling on their own and I am just, I can't believe I got betrayed by the two people I have loved the most, the two people I have trusted with my life, life really suck.

"I am so sorry babe, but I can explain its complicated" he say grasping my hand, I just flinch and release my hand from his " please babe" he begged in a whisper.

"Don't you even dare and touch me and please put on some clothes I am about to vomit here" I say looking away, but Alma came in front of me with a smirk on her face

" you want to know why I did this to you little puppy ha?" she laughed and push me in the wall I stumbled but hold my hand on the wall I just look at her confused.
"You are so worthless, and you think you know everything , you always get what everyone wish for or want I am so sick of you I don't even know how I became friends with you, oh let me say every boy liked you when we were in high school when none of them looked at me and you just happen to be admitted in university when I am not, or should I add that you just happen to be fating my boss but I was the one who he saw first, you are always lucky to have everything, why ha? Why always you I never liked you for so long now but I pretended just to make you happy but it irritates me seeing you happy it really does I just can't stand you anymore I just..."

Slap , again Slap
Before she could continue I slap her twice very hard in the face. "GET OUT" I scream out loud , she look at me with tears in her eyes
"I hate Tina and now you just made it worse" she said whipping her tears away "he will never be yours and I will make sure that you will never be happy in your life I will make your life a living hell" she say and poke me I just push her away

"Now get the hell out of here now before we see who make who's life a living hell" and with that a push her out of the room she stumble and fell on the ground, I have so much courage leave that to my mother she is such a strong women the way she dealt with my father when he left her and a few years later when he came back after looking for me she is just my hero and she taught me to stand on my feet no matter how worse the situation is. I know Alma is a bit taller than me and such an arrogant but I know her very well she talk to much but power, nothing and that is why I am not afraid of her she just made me her enemy and the worst one.
"You will regret this" she stood up and and go.
I turn and look at him, the guy I fell in love with so much the guy I have come to trust, the person I thought I could relay on a person that I thought was my everything but I was wrong so wrong about him, where did I go wrong? Why? A drop of tears fell on my wrist that's when I realise I was crying, I sniff quickly and whip away the tears he came and hold my hands looking into my eyes making me loose myself
"I feel in love with you,so much that it scares me but I just don't know what is happening anymore" I say and look away
"Babe please I am so sorry, I can explain" he say and look down I know I love him so much and I can tell he is sorry but he betrayed me and on top of that its with my best friend I can't do it anymore I am hurt than ever I am heart broken than ever it hurt everywhere and I can't sand it anymore

"It was a long beautiful and wonderful journey but I think we have reached our destination and we have to part ways I can't do it anymore" I let go of his hand I can feel my heart breaking in me but I can't take it anymore I ran out of his place not even knowing where I was going I found myself sitting on a bench and when I look at my surrounding I was in a park I don't even know where I was.

Finally the first chapter , please do vote and share, don't forget to comment I will appreciate that. Please excuse my English its not my first language.

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