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One day I'm fine.

I go to school, get A's, and hang with my friends, as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Until I go to school that morning. Surprisingly, this is the day I died. I never thought I'd die at such a young age. I was planning on dying from old age, yah know?

But, I have been given a second chance, been reborn, given a second life, whatever you what to call it. I have six months in my new body to conplete a series of tasks, and if I do them all, I get either my old or new life.

But, if I don't, as they say, no more second chances.


Hey guys!

I hope you're as excited as me!

So, I just need to clear up a few things. K? K.

1.) Excuse the errors, either point them out, keep your nasty comments to yourself, or just move on. I can and will bite.

2.) I will always leave a few things (like .',-) for you guys to name at the very end of each A/N.

3.) I am not perfect. Deal with the jibberish or stick it up someone's ass (perferably not mine.).

4.) I love you. Group hug now!

Here are some things for you to name, and have a good day!




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I may or may not be naming him Fred. Or Bob.

No More Second ChancesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant