•First Day of school

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"My babies are so big!" Tate squealed with excitement. The family was sitting down to their last family dinner for the summer. Tomorrow was the first day of school for their 4 children and it was Zach's actual first day of school.

"Mommy I'm gonna go on the big yellow bus just like all the big boys do!" Zach screamed with excitement after stuffing a spoonful of mashed potatoes into his mouth.

"Manners baby." Tate tried to stay serious but all the other laughter from the children made it hard for her.

"Zach your not gonna go on the bus tomorrow mommy and daddy are gonna drive us." Corbyn told his baby brother. Zach frowned after getting his hopes up. Every night Tate read Zach a story about the first day of school to prepare him and there's always a big yellow school bus involved.

"Don't worry Zach, after tomorrow your gonna go on the yellow school bus with everyone else,it's just that mommy and daddy want to take you to school on your first day." Tate explained to the 6 year old.

It was always a family tradition that they would all get into the car together and drive to school so Jonah and Tate can talk to the kids teachers and if they were younger like Daniel and Zach then they would also help the kids get settled in before leaving.

"Daddy is second grade hard?" Daniel asked with big eyes. The 7 year old was always nervous for almost anything that he had to do without his family. Like when he went away with Jonah's parents for a weekend he couldn't stop crying for an hour because he missed them so much.

"No,your gonna learn new fun things and your gonna see your old friends from last year like Angi and Corey." Jonah reassured.

Daniel smile grew bigger when Jonah mentioned his old friends. He hasn't seen them since the last day of school and missed them a lot.

"I bet high schools gonna be hard." Corbyn muttered looking down at his full plate. Jonah and Tate exchanged looks.

"Corbyn I can promise you that your gonna have an amazing time tomorrow. All your old friends from middle school are still gonna be there,it's just the building that's changing." Tate smiled at her eldest son.

"Yeah,you got this Bean!" Jack cheered on his older brother which he looked up too. He himself was starting middle school tomorrow but Jack has a more outgoing personality similar to Zach and the two were just about opposites to Corbyn and Daniel.

"Now let's start getting everyone ready for bed." Tate started to clear off the table.


Beep beep beep

It was 6 in the morning,the earliest Tate's alarm clock rang in the last 3 months.

"Time to get up." She whispered into her sleeping husbands ear.

"Hmm" Jonah hummed turning over.

Tate rolled her eyes and got out of bed to wake the children up. The first room she went into was Corbyn's since he was the hardest to wake up.

"Bean,com'n its the first day of school!" Tate cheered opening up the window shades.

"Wake me up when it's summer again." Corbyn said turning over,just like his father does.

"Com'n, I laid out your uniform already." Tate took corbyn's blankets off and left the room knowing without the comfort he'll get up.

Tate and Jonah were very fortunate enough to send all their kids to private school for a good education. With Jonah and Tate both with careers in music and business they are able to give their kids a nice life.

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