The Start of the Broken Up and Together ( Part One)

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What had happened before:

"I thought you were dead, where were you for the past few years..?" She said, her accent changing softly as she looked down. Looking into the house as she saw the small child, Amy.

"I was.. I guess. Uhm, this is Amy, my daughter." You said as Amy walked up and looked up at the taller female and waved softy. Alastor walked up to the yard and grin softly.

"Why hello, Daring!~" Alastor walked up and bowed softly. He held his hands together. Your eyes widen as you saw his human body. He was about 6'2 with brown short hair. A white shirt with a black tie with black pants. Seeing Amy's smaller brother, Lucifer.


Your best friend was standing there a bit confused as she rose a eyebrow and sighed happily and smiled gently. "Well.. I guess I'll go. Glad you're back, Y/N" She said as she walked out looking at Alastor some what flirty like. 

"Hey Alastor! Glad you made it! That was a old friend of mine.. in middle school.. who ended up back stabbing me.." You said with a soft smile as you walked back in and sighed as you took down some of the photos on the wall of you and your family. As you found a box, you put at the frames and photos of all of the old days and sighed as you put the box up in the master bedroom. "Alastor!~ Follow me! I'll show you the room!" Alastor nodded softy and followed to voice and sighed happily as he felt happy being back to the human world.

"Ahhh, It's so happy to where I was from!~" He laughed.

You placed a smile on your face as you unpacked your bag and sighed a you flopped onto the bed. Laughing as you looked around and saw your old phone. You bit your lower lip and got up as you grabbed the phone. Trying to turn it on as a bright light turned on, making a ding or a beep on it. Your eyes widen as you sighed happily and thought of the password. You thought for a while as your two children ran around the house smiling, laughing, and being weird. Alastor went off to take a shower as he felt relaxed. Relaxed to the warmth of the water and turned the shower into a bath time type. 

You hummed as you ran up to your old bedroom and looked through the closet. "Huh, who knew a phone can be alive for so long." You hummed as you grabbed your old pink dairy. Looking through it as you saw 'Phone Passcode>>> Idontwannabehereanymore<<<'. Your eyes widen as you typed in the password and smiled as you saw over a 200 messages and missed call. Having some from the old school you went too and some of your friends and what so called back stabbing assholes. 

You huffed softly and looked down a little bit as you saw the name "Crush <3". Your eyes widen as you pressed called on the number. 

The number rang an rang.

The first word that was said was "..Hallo..?" He said in a soft voice.

"Hello.." You said back as you heard the phone drop. You jumped and smiled gently as sighed "Is this Jake?" You said and looked at the white wall.He dropped the phone and  picked back up as you heard the male crying a little. "Yes, This is Jake.. I thought.. you were dead.." He said as he wiped the tears off his face. You smile and sighed and bit your lower lip.

"Yeah, I had Jane show up.." You said as he walked out and closed the door.

"You still in the same house..?" He asked, walking to the house. The two of you lived closed. 

"Yeah.. Why?" You said as he knocked on the door as he hung up. Your eyes widen as you gotten up and looked over and sighed happily as you opened the door and tears dripped down your cheeks. "Jake..?"

"Whats up?" He said an hugged you. Amy walked up and tugged on your hand and smiled a little. "Who's this..?" He asked. 

"This is Amy.."

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