chapter3: classmates & the chasing girl

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The next day I went to school. After we were at our last period in our class.

After that my classmates said: "let's play hide and clap!"

And I said: "yes, why not !"

I was the one to find them so they blindfold my eyes and let me spin ten times.

we began our play

I said "first clap!"

My first classmate clapped.

I was finding her, when suddenly someone poked my back so I removed my blindfold no one was there. I was in the highschool corridor, someone was whispering me, there is too many questions!

I can only remember that someone said to me that "s-STAY AWAY!"

That then I ran very fast at the dome.

I was still finding my classmate, luckily I found my classmates fast.

I was breathing hardly saying: "G-Guys guys,,, what's ... I...I SAW-w ! Did anybody was in the corridor?!

the classmates said: "No ! why are you asking tho...!?

I said: "I felt ha-han,,,, oh yeah nothing cuz just suddenly you all disappeared ...well, forget about it."

I felt hesitated to tell the truth because I guess they won't trust me anymore and they will start saying shits about me !

so I prefer silence.

I came back from school. I throw my things all over my room.

I was just so tired....

I opened my eyes seeing nothing but darkness. Much more few seconds it was more clear for me to realize that I am home alone.

Walking out from my room, I though the electrical generator was off.

I was scearching for anybody to know what's going on.

My heart start beating fast as I felt no one but me.

My heart started even beating faster when I tried to go back to my room and I didn't find it.
My eyes were roaming around when I realized that I am not even at home!!
Suddenly I saw the same girl with that white blue eyes saying to me "I told you Kathy" then she diseappeared I was confused until I heard " Katharine it's dinner."

Once again I opened my eyes realizing that I was home safe. Watching my sister studying then she came toward me saying "wake up!!! Lazy girl you've been slept for a long time!"
"Okay,shut up " I said.

I got washing my face in the bathroom. I look at the mirror and I couldn't recognize myself . My face was too white. I barely could see my eyes; it was extremely white.

Then I recognize that face!
She was the girl that kept chasing me my whole life.....

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