You should see the other guy

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Louis woke up on Sunday with a really bad hangover. He wasn't in his own bed and he was wrapped in two strong arms and a warm body was pressed against his back, keeping him warm. The tattoos on the arms, the scent, and just the feeling in his stomach told him that it was Harry. How did he end up in Harry's bed? Did they have sex again? God, he couldn't remember much after their second song and the beers that came after that.

Harry started to stir behind him and Louis held his breath. Harry hugged him closer and nuzzled his face in Louis's hair.
"Good morning Lou." Harry mumbled with a raspy morning voice.

"Good morning Haz. Ehm, how did I end up here? Ehm, did we have sex?" Louis answered shyly.

Harry's chest rumbled with a low chuckle.
"No, we just cuddled. You asked if you could sleep in my bed. I think we both were a little too drunk to have sex."

Did he ask Harry to share a bed? That was embarrassing. Geesh, he really needed to stop drinking so much.
"Oh, okay. Sorry!"

"You have nothing to apologize about. Mmmm, you smell lovelier than usual." Harry mumbled and buried his nose in Louis's neck to take a sniff.

Louis started to panic. This was too overwhelming.
"I smell like sweat and beer. That's your upcoming rut talking. I'm gonna take a shower now."

"Nooo! Don't leave." Harry whined.

Louis really had to get out of there before he said or did something that tipped Harry off about how he may or may not feel. He scrambled out of bed. Harry was pouting at him, looking absolutely adorable and Louis couldn't help but smile.
"Don't give me that puppy face!"

"Why? Is it working?" Harry grinned.

"Nope!" Louis answered and rolled his eyes.

He walked to the bathroom and locked the doors before he took out two painkillers and swallowed them down with tap water. He turned the shower on and hopped inside. Ten minutes later he brushed his teeth and unlocked the doors.

Harry came strolling inside in his boxers and started to brush his teeth as well. Louis was definitely checking him out through the mirror and Harry winked at him. Louis rinsed his mouth and went to his own bedroom without a word to get dressed and he could hear the shower being turned on. He tried really hard not to think about the sex they had in the shower the other day and failed completely.

He pressed down his erection and put some sweats on. A surprising sight met him as soon as he entered the kitchen. Liam, Zayn, and Niall were all sitting at the kitchen table. Louis's eyes grew wide. Niall had a black eye, Zayn's lip had a cut, and Liam had a bruise on his cheekbone.
"What the hell happened guys?"

"I told you he was wasted last night." Niall smirked.

"Wait, that? Did I do this?" Louis gasped in horror.

"Like you could take us." Zayn chuckled.

Harry walked into the kitchen and Louis turned around. His eyes fell on Harry's right hand and he just now realized that he had busted knuckles.
How could he not have noticed that before?
"You better fill your boy in on yesterday's event. He doesn't remember." Liam said to Harry.

Harry wrinkled his eyebrows and Louis walked over to him and took his bruised hand in his to look at it. He brushed his thumb over the knuckles and Harry flinched.
"Tell me what happened Haz." Louis asked softly.

Harry sighed.
"A douchebag Alpha grabbed your bum and I hit him square in the jaw."

Louis gaped at him.
"Why would you do that? And what? He beat all of you?" Louis looked around at the boys.

"No one touches you without your permission." Harry growled.

"The douchebag Alpha had a couple of douchebag friends. We couldn't just stand on the side and do nothing." Zayn explained.

Louis couldn't believe it. His lower lip started to tremble.
"So you all defended me?"

"Of course. You're our friend." Niall stated like it was obvious.

Louis burst out crying. Harry immediately took him in his arms to comfort him. Louis hugged him close.

The boys stared at him.
"Guys, I think he's crying." Niall whispered.

That made Louis giggle instead. He let go of Harry and wiped away his tears.
He looked over at the boys again. They were staring at him with a worried look on their faces.
"I can't believe you did that for me. I love you guys! I'm so glad I moved here. You're the best friends I ever had, except for Stan."

"Who the fuck is Stan?" Harry growled.

Louis rolled his eyes at him.
"My best mate in Doncaster. Don't worry Hazza. He's a super straight Beta." he winked and Harry relaxed.

"I'm sorry. I'm being a possessive Alpha. I blame my upcoming rut." Harry gave him a sheepish smile.

Louis sprung into action. He lead Harry to the table and pushed him down.
"I'm making you all breakfast! Oh, and let me get the first aid kit. You have some cuts and bruises that need some attention."

He ran around the table and gave them all a hug and the boys laughed, well except Harry who frowned, at least until Louis gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Louis ran to get the first aid kit and took care of them all. He proceeded to make some scrambled eggs and toast. One of the few things he could actually cook. The boys let him, knowing that he wanted to show his appreciation. They ate together, laughing and bickering between bites and Louis was shining brighter than the sun.

The day went by fast and soon it was time for Harry and Louis to retrieve to the room outside. Louis's stomach was filled with butterflies. He was so excited that he would get to experience an Alpha in rut, or Harry to be precise. He was the only Alpha Louis wanted to spend a rut with. He refused to acknowledge why. That was too scary and confusing. He was just gonna enjoy it.

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