"Why? That hurts a lot."

'That's the point. You need to get your act together."

"You know what? You're just pained. Just get a girlfriend. For fuck's sake. Michelle is there for you. You don't even need to stress yourself. That girl likes you more than you'll ever know. Damn. I wish someone likes me half the way she likes you."

Here we go again.

"I know dude. I know. I'm kind of feeling bad for her these days. I don't even know. She deserves better from me."

"At least you know. Just ask her out ehn. Forget about love, forget about stupid butterflies. Who knows, you might even grow to like her?"

I kept quiet for a minute before answering

"Maybe I'd do just that."

"You'd better. Because I'm going to actively start dating Hana and your heart and might not take some things we'll do, even in front of you so just get someone you will do models things with, okay?"

"Shut up and sleep ode."

He laughed before he muttered something about looking at her pictures openly now since I already know they have a thing going on. I turned to the other side to chat with Michelle on my phone. This went on for your minutes before Ihimeard Dan exhale softly. I turned to look at me. He was looking at someone's picture. I peered closer.

"Jade is full of surprises indeed. Can you believe this is her?"

I peered even closer.

"Hana uploaded her picture on her IG page as WCW. She's fine sha."

Then he turned to look at me

"But I know you don't think of her as beautiful. I know the hate stroller than frivolities. So...."

Then he scrolled away from the picture and I know I'll never hate Dan more than I hate him at the moment.

   .                               *****

After Mr Felix told me to share the key points with Jade. I looked for her everywhere until I stumbled upon her in the library. She had an blank page in front of her and she keep chewing the cover of her pen. I did not know how long I stood there watching her until someone touched me.

'Are you going to keep standing or you'll go and sit?'

I groaned and rubbed my eyes, my thoughts in disarray as I moved towards her. She turned to look at me and her face dissolved into a scowl.

........ We both turned towards Akin and they point used in my throat I looked at the keypoints in my hands and at Jade. I glanced at my watch, Almost 20 minutes past, break time. I stood up, dropped the key points and walked away. What thereafter  fuck was I doing? I saw Michelle immediately I got out.

"Hey boo. You missed where stuff yououuffyou?"

"I got caught up with my speech stuffs in the library. Where are you going?"

"Looking for you, Even Dan did not know where you were."

"Yeap. Let's go now."

Akin and Jade came out of library. Akin winked at me and they walked off. I fell into step with Michelle and we started walking towards our class.

"You okay?" She

"Yeah. Why do you ask?"

"You seem awfully quiet."

"I'm fine. Do you want to come and watch me play today? We have a match against Royal Academy today."

"I'll gladly come. I'll be your cheerleader self.

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