The Live Stream

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Joshua had been watching various live streams that Asher had been doing for his fans. He would watch in the background, not wanting his best friend to know he was there.

He had been a fan of Asher's music since he had first heard it, but that wasn't the only thing he was interested in.

Asher was one of those people who could make anyone feel good just by saying hello. Whenever Joshua felt down, he knew Asher would be there for him.

After Asher's live stream was over, Joshua called him on video chat. He figured it would be easier to talk to Asher on a screen than face to face.

"Hey Josh" Asher greeted.

"Hi Ash, how are you?" Joshua wondered.

"I'm good thanks dude" Asher responded.

"Nice, so am I" Joshua said.

"Good" Asher muttered "So, did you want to talk about something?"

"Just wanted to catch up a bit" Joshua explained "It's been a while"

"You're right" Asher agreed.

"I just wanted to say that I can't wait to get back to filming with you" Joshua declared.

"Same here, I miss you" Asher replied.

"Not as much as I've missed your handsome face" Joshua mumbled, hoping Asher wouldn't hear.

"What was that?" Asher posed.

"Nothing, just some interference" Joshua lied.

"O-kay" Asher rejoined "I'll see you at filming tomorrow"

"See you soon" Joshua retorted.

"Bye, love you" Asher uttered.

Joshua didn't know what to say, he wasn't sure if Asher was being platonic or romantic with his last sentence. He wasn't going to complain, of course.

"Bye, love you too" Joshua sighed.

When they met up the next day, Joshua felt very awkward, yet Asher was feeling his normal, confident self.

"Josh!" Asher beamed, running over to his friend to hug him "Oh it's so good to see you!"

"Good to see you too Ash" Joshua reacted "Nice to be reunited"

"It definitely is" Asher concurred.

Asher remained relaxed and kept his smile, whilst Joshua knew deep down that he really wanted to ask some questions.

"So, can I talk to you?" Joshua asked.

"Of course" Asher answered.

"It's just... when we had that video chat yesterday" Joshua began.

"What about it?" Asher questioned.

"When you said you love me, what did you mean?" Joshua continued.

Asher looked confused, and then quite worried. He hoped that he didn't offend Joshua by saying it.

"I meant that I love you" Asher explained "Don't you understand what I mean?"

"No" Joshua replied "I don't want to get the wrong idea, and my hopes up at the same time"

Now Asher was starting to realise what was going on. He looked at Joshua, who had a single tear falling down his left cheek. Asher gave him another big hug.

"I'm sorry, I should've been clearer" Asher apologised "I really like you"

"You like me?" Joshua retorted "As a friend?"

"No, as more than a friend" Asher explained "You make me feel happy, I don't want to ever lose that feeling"

"I... I don't kn-know w-what to s-say" Joshua stuttered.

"Just say you'll go out with me" Asher encouraged "P-please?"

"Deal, I would love that" Joshua agreed.

Joshua unashamedly threw his arms around Asher and snuggled into his grip. He didn't want to be away from his new boyfriend.

Thanks for reading.

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