Admit It

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Joshua POV

I had never really known if I'd ever be in love, but then Andi Mack comes along, and I see a new set of opportunities to find that special someone.

It was great to be able to play a gay character on TV, I took great pride from that. The only problem I had, was that I was going through the same as Cyrus, but it was real and I didn't know what to do.

Asher was an amazing person to be around. He was kind and fun, which meant that we had very quickly become good friends. As nice as it was, I couldn't help but wish for more.

Peyton and Sofia both knew how I felt, but talking about it with Asher was something I wasn't ready for.

"Why does he have to be so perfect?" I questioned "And more to that, why does he have to be straight?"

"Do you know that for sure though?" Sofia countered "It's not like he's ever really discussed it, is it?"

"And I think you should tell him" Peyton added "Let's face it, he's not going to be angry at you is he?

"I don't know" I replied "If I tell him, it's going to make everything... different"

"But different can be good" Sofia insited.

"And this could be the beginning of your happiness" Peyton rejoined.

I was in such a difficult place, as much as I did believe what they said would be true, I wasn't convinced that I should take that risk.

"Hey guys!" Asher interjected, walking up from behind.

The girls gave me a look, it was as if they were trying to tell me something. I didn't expect to see Asher at that exact moment, so I was caught off guard.

"Hi" I mumbled "Is everything okay?"

"With me?" Asher replied "Yes, it's all cool"

"Good" I responded.

"But let me ask you a question" Asher persisted "What is going to be the start of your happiness?"

I stared at him in shock, I didn't realise he had heard the end of the conversation I had just had with the girls.

"It's nothing really" I replied, trying to not look suspicious.

"Nothing? If it concerns your happiness, then it's not just nothing" Asher reacted "Why don't you just tell me?"

"I would, but it's not something I feel comfortable talking to you about" I muttered.

Part of me hoped he would get the hint and leave it at that, but the other part of me wanted him to be curious.

"Hey, Joshua" Asher retorted, putting an arm round me "Sorry if you feel you can't talk to me, but trust me, you can always tell me anything"

"I wish it was that easy" I persisted.

"I'm right here... You don't need to be afraid" Asher assured.

I turned to look back at Sofia, who was smiling and watching intensely. Peyton on the other hand looked confused. She mouthed "Just tell him" and that was what gave me the boost I needed.

"Asher, I" I took deep breath before continuing "I think I'm in love with you"

The feeling I had was completely new, a feeling of confidence, which I had never felt. Asher smiled, before putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Do you want to know something?" Asher chuckled.

"What?" I wondered.

"I feel the same way, about you" Asher declared.

I smiled, my heart was pounding and I was blushing like crazy, but it was worth it. Just as I took a moment to stare at Asher, I was interrupted.

"Told ya!" Peyton beamed.

"Will you two just kiss already?" Sofia ordered.

Asher didn't let any more time go by, and pulled me in for a deep kiss. I didn't know what I expected, but this was the best thing that ever happened.

Thank you for reading.

I hope you enjoyed!

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