the whole damn thing

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"So, you think the school looks nice so far?" Keith's mother Sara asked, looking at her son with a sweet smile. "I guess, it's nicer than the last one, the flowers are actually alive." Keith shrugged, taking a second glance at the nicely aligned rose bushes. Sara just gave a disappointed sigh at the response she got. No matter what it was, Keith never seemed to show an emotion towards anything, all she's ever gotten were sarcastic remarks. She always wished she could understand what went through his mind better. It must have been hard to lose both his parents at an extremely young age. A thought crossed her mind. "Keith, did you leave that knife at home like I asked you?" Keith woke up from spacing out and nodded; which was a lie. He always kept it with him, I mean, safety reasons, duh? Also, it was from one of his parents and he believes that one day he will get the chance to find out what it meant.

After taking one more quick look at the front of this new heckhole he was going to have to go to, his mother drove him to his new home; that he already unpacked his stuff into. The house was a pretty cozy and an average place. Keith slowly climbed the stairs up to his room. He opened the door and saw a quiet place, exactly what he needed today, with a big move and a look at the new school, not to mention being forced to meet a few neighbors; he was practically drained. He layed in his bed and stared at the ceiling until he fell asleep. His newer parents didn't bother to wake him for dinner and rather saved it for him for when he was ready to wake, they knew very well that their son didn't like being woken up.

When he did wake up, his room was pitch black and he could look out his window to see some stars. He thought for a second and then sat down under the window in the starlight and pulled his knife out of its scabbard and examined it. He never truly understood fully why he had such a connection to it. He wanted it by him for his birth parents but deep down there was something else, something that he wished to learn the meaning behind it.


Next door was complete chaos, a 14 year old boy was trying to put his younger siblings to sleep...There was so many. They were pulling on his clothes and screaming, the young boy was sure they were going to break something. "I'm not tired, Lance!" One of them whined, a 5 year old whose name was Elisa. She was a wild child for sure. "Well, I am!" Lance groaned, trying to push the children away from him. "Rose, can't you help me at least?" Another sister of Lance's; 12 years old with long brown hair and matching blue eyes to Lance's. She stood laughing at her brother having to deal with the little devils. "I am so done." Lance said giving up and walking away to his room. "Sure!!! Leave me with these little brats!!! Thanks a lot Lance!" He could hear Rosalyn yelling loudly, and quite angrily. "You wouldn't help me so why should I help you?" He snapped back at her, stuffing his face into his pillow and trying to sleep. He looked out the window and then to the clock, it was almost midnight. He decided to see if his friends were awake.

3 members

pigeon (Pidge Holt), Hungry (Hunk Garett), blue rapberry (Lance Mcclain)



blue rapberry : THIS!! IS!!! AN EMERGENCY!!!!

pidgeon : lance shut up i'm trying to sleep stop blowing up my phone

Hungry: Promise them candy? I know I would go to bed for that.

blue rapberry : you don't give hyperactive children candy beofre bed

Hungry: You wouldnt actually give them the candy. Just say you would, and lock them in their room.

pidgeon : just take hunk's advice and go to bed dear god

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